When did you get your scan/ booking appointment date through?


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I've known I am pregnant for 2 weeks now and went to the docs over a week ago to let them know but after my miscarriage they didn't even take any details and asked me to go back again when I am 8 weeks for them to do an EPU referral.

I'm not sure they've done anything regarding registering me as pregnant on their system and am not sure when to expect scan etc.. letters through if they have.
My doctor didn't even want to see me. The receptionist just asked if I'd done a test, if I felt ok, and then made me an appointment with the midwife for 8 weeks.
I didn't see my doctor I just told them over the phone and they booked me in to the mw at just over 7 wks. Mw said I will get my scan letter in the post but I haven't got it yet my sister is pregnant and she said her's cane a wk after seeing the mw mine it almost 2 wks and still waiting I just want the date to see if hopefully o/h is off work or if not try and sort something out xxxx
I went in at 5weeks n filled out the form to say I was preg my first day of last period and my date of birth then I has a phone call when I was 8 weeks with my booking appoint date which was the following week. They told me to ring up and book my own scan so I rang and booked one for 6th Sept which is when I'm 12wk+2 I haven't recieved any letters and doubt I will do tho at my booking appoint I did get given some notes and a scan form to take with me so I guess its booked? It's difficult when you are worried esecially after a previous loss isn't it x
it varies from area to area it seems, i found out at 5 weeks i think, filled out a form MW called me 2 weeks or so later filled out more forms with her ( not had it confirmed yet ) got a letter through week lter giving me a scan 5th sept
I know how you ladies feel. I went to the doctors at 5 weeks, she was lovely and said that I should hear from the midwife 'soon'. Still hadn't got anything this week (week 8) so called the hospital - this took 3 days the get through to the right department and for them to pick up. They didnt even have a record of me! Turns out that the receptionist at the docs had 'forgotten' to send the form. I was very cross and got them to fax it as an urgent referral. The hospial then confirmd they had it and I'm expecting a letter next week to confirm appoinmtment dates.

If you are worried or havent received what you think you should and are on the NHS I would push.
I think I will leave it over the wknd then and ring up about my scan date, it seem when ppl are getting them there for later then 12wks but I haven't even got the letter yet to give me an idea xxxx thanks xxx
I think they wanted me to come again at 8 weeks in case I mc again to save themselves the paperwork!
I got my scan date thorugh the post, i will be almost 15 weeks. Not very happy to be honest, considering we were waiting till the '12' week scan to tell people. xx
In your area to you get that new nuclear fold test? I didn't get it with herbie it wasnt out then but my mw asked if I wanted it this time I said yes she said your scan will be before 14 wks as it can't be done after that
I've had my scan come through I'll be 11 + 4 :) can't wait x x
I just got my 12 week scan letter in the post a couple of days ago, for 8th spetember so will be 11+6.

I only just seen the midwife the other day as they wont see you here before 8 weeks, i'm guessing thats incase anything happens.

I would go back annie and just tell them you really have no idea when you are 8 weeks as you had no AF between MC. the waiting around really is frustrating although i cant complain about my hospital and midwifes as they have been great with all my worries and even getting a 3rd scan on monday.

I would have thought they could give you are reassurance scan before 8 weeks due to your last MC.


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