When did you feel movement? Please respond....


Active Member
Aug 28, 2008
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I was just wondering how many weeks pregnant you were when you first felt the baby moving? I am 18+4, this is my first pregnancy and I have an anterior placenta (which I believe can prevent you feeling baby earlier on) so I guess the odds are against me.

I have felt something but nothing I can be sure is my baby.....

Maybe I'm just being impatient but I want to share more with my husband......

Thanks ladies,

Leana x
i started to feel slight movemnt at 19 weeks, only felt properly at around 22-23 weeks x
with my son I had an anterior placenta and I didnt feel anything until about 21 weeks, this time I have felt flutters since 16 weeks - Ill bet it is your baby you felt - what did it feel like?
I felt slight movement around 15 weeks.
I didn't feel proper kicks until about 22 weeks and this is my 2nd!
Hi Ella,

Well I have been having feelings in my lower tummy that are kind of like bubbles popping inside, it doesn't hurt and sometimes I don't even realised until I think about it. I get them most days recently but I just wondered if that was trapped wind..... sorry girls if thats TMI but I've been suffering from that too recently! :oops:

Oh well I will just have to wait and see in a few more weeks if the feelings get clearer.

i started feeling my little man when I was about 19- 20ish weeks and hes just got stronger and stronger... cant wait for my OH to feel it but he cant as yet!!!
from about 18 weeks i could feel what i think might have been tiny, and i mean tiny movements, normally just when i was dozing off,

saturday before last (21 weeks exactly) i got what i'd describe as my first proper movement which included kicks, even now i can only occassionally feel her move... in fact she's been very still today :?
I felt the first movements at 18 weeks with mine. I was always told that I would feel flutters like butterflies in my tummy so that is what I looked out for but the first movement I felt was like he poked me from inside very surreal. And from that moment on he would not stop wriggling around fantastic feeling. :D
I had an anterior placenta and i never felt anything definate until about 20 weeks :)
Leana said:
Hi Ella,

Well I have been having feelings in my lower tummy that are kind of like bubbles popping inside, it doesn't hurt and sometimes I don't even realised until I think about it. I get them most days recently but I just wondered if that was trapped wind..... sorry girls if thats TMI but I've been suffering from that too recently! :oops:

Oh well I will just have to wait and see in a few more weeks if the feelings get clearer.


That is defo baby movements you are felling i'm sure of it. I have an anterior placenta too and was around 19 weeks when i first felt those bubbly feelings and when my friends said what does it feel like i described it as being like trapped wind!! So i'm sure that's what you are feeling, those bubbly feelings get gradually more often then stronger then into definite movements. I started feeling the proper kick like feelings at around 22-23 weeks and my OH didn't feel anything until 24 weeks when LO gave me some big old kicks round the side and now its pretty strong all the time.
I was around 19 weeks, it never felt like small bubbles to me just started with fairly big movements, I can tell when baby is doing a rolly polly, its feels lovely :D
9 weeks a swimming sensation and now experiencing uber kicks at 19w6d
Just posted a similar reply on another thread ;)

For the past few weeks I've felt flutters and thought it was probably wind or something. But since last night Pixie has been really wriggly, nudging me gently. The OH can't feel it though, which is a shame.
I started feeling pops and bubbles at about 15 weeks but my husband didn't feel anything until the movements were much stronger at around 21 weeks. From what I've read that's pretty early for a first time mum but then my placenta is at the back so I guess that's got summats to do with it. At first, hubby could only feel baby when his hand was really low down but a week or so later, he was feeling movement all over. I saw my mum today for the first time in almost three weeks and she got to feel bub who was kicking like mad while we were sat chatting 8)

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