When did u wean LO? (Solids)


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2007
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Just for general interest as opinions seem to vary alot on here :) Ellies not ready yet but dont think it will be long at all. Dont wanna start a debate I just wanna know when u weaned, thanks :D

Before 12 weeks (3 months ish)
12 - 17 weeks (3-4 months ish)
17 - 22 weeks (4-5 months ish)
22 - 27 weeks (5-6 months ish)
After 27 weeks (after 6 months)
12 weeks with Tia... still waiting with lil miss... :)
Can't work out the weeks :lol: :wall:
We started Isaac on HiPP Stage1 jars at 4months, he would never take baby rice :)
Redshoes said:
Can't work out the weeks :lol: :wall:
We started Isaac on HiPP Stage1 jars at 4months, he would never take baby rice :)

Have added months (ish!) at top :D
charl was 20 weeks and they got weaned about then bk 5 yrs ago

teds had had a few mouthfulls of baby rice at 17 weeks and 2 spoons of yoggie this week.
I tried to wean Seren at 19 weeks as I felt under pressure tro do so but she wasn't ready so stopped and weaned her at about 25 weeks (5 1/2 months)

Will be going till Cally is 6 months this time.
4 months bang n with stephen and Imogen was around 4 half months.
i first gave millie a taste (like 2 tiny baby-spoonfuls) at 17 weeks but didnt properly wean her until 5 months. and even then i didnt give her solids EVERY day, some days i couldnt be arsed :lol:
i did it properly at 6 months. she was on one meal a day and at 7 and a half months 3 meals a day
I started a bit before Maddison was 4 months and I'm glad I did now because she eats very very well and doesnt turn her nose up at anything :D She has also crossed 4 centile lines since she was born, she is a good eater :wink:
All three at four months. Not because of any guidlines, but just because that's when they were ready.....
We tried Stanley at 17 wks (I think) because he was already 20lbs+ and I thought it would help. He wasn't really interested though and we started properly at 5 months.

I definitely hold out with my next one. Quite often as mums we think they need it when they don't and I think with first babies people are often excited about starting the next 'stage'.

In reality, it's just something else to think about. This lazy mumma won't be making work for herself in the future :wink:
Clark first had baby rice when he was about a week off being 4 months, he took to spoon feeding like a pro and from that day forward he hasn't stopped trying new things!
From 6 months.

Started on baby rice. He's only 7.5months now and he's already on 3 meals a day, some with pudding!

It doesn't matter starting later, they just get used to things quicker and can easily take on new tastes and textures.

6 months - not cos of guidelines just cos he didn't show interest in food till around then :)
midna said:
I put after 27 weeks coz seed will be weaned in 17 days :D....or soon after

you have done brilliant keeping up with seed's demands lol, i will be looking for tips as cally is going to be a big lass

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