shall i wean him?


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2008
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adam is now 4 months old. he is not seeming satisfied with his breast feeding and is being really fussy, he is not windy but keeps pulling off and crying as if there is no milk coming. i was wondering if i should introduce 1 meal a day of veggies? (the recommendations when my older son was to wean at 4 months though i didn't wean him till 5 months as i didn't feel he was ready) adam is showing signs such as reaching for our food and also copying us chewing etc

i really wanted to wait till 6 months, but as he is a slow grower anyway i dont want him to start losing weight coz he is not breastfeeding well. (he is 10lb now)

opinions please......
IMHO you should wait til 6 months, when his guts have had more time to mature.

4 months is a notoriously fussy time for babies, with a massive growth spurt that is often mistaken as a need to wean.

as long as he is gaining weight then there is no need to worry. and remember that there are far more calories in boob milk than he would get from food.

:hug: :hug:
thanks :D :D
i noticed on one of the other topics someone mentioned a 4 month growth spurt, so i think i will try and hold out till then!!
4 month growth spurt is a difficult time. But i started weaning Angel at 4 months and a week. It was the best decision i ever made. I really wanted to hold out but she was always hungry. She is absolutely not fussy and eats anything i give her. I never force her to finish what i make, yet generally i have clean bowls.

I'd see how things go, but only you know your baby and what is best.
purple13 said:
IMHO you should wait til 6 months, when his guts have had more time to mature.

4 months is a notoriously fussy time for babies, with a massive growth spurt that is often mistaken as a need to wean.

as long as he is gaining weight then there is no need to worry. and remember that there are far more calories in boob milk than he would get from food.

:hug: :hug:

I totally agree with this :hug: :hug:
Remember that he will still need almost all his nourishment from milk, the food is just a little extra.
kazzie-bo said:
adam is showing signs such as reaching for our food and also copying us chewing etc

i really wanted to wait till 6 months, but as he is a slow grower anyway i dont want him to start losing weight coz he is not breastfeeding well. (he is 10lb now)

opinions please......

that is not a sign he is ready, that is a general development all babies have, they realise they have hands and can grab things. They also start taking more interest in their world including you eat. Breastmilk is more calorific then any food (apart from big macs probably) so if it is weight gain you are concerned with, the last thing I would do is introduce solids. Sounds like your son is just going through the normal 4 month growth spurt. Like Kalia says all his nourishment is from milk, before the age of 1 food is just about exploring textures and tastes.

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