when did u feel better ?

Gem & Leland

Well-Known Member
Nov 7, 2006
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please , cant take much more , wanna be myself , strugging with work and seriously close to getting booted and im just rubbish !

when did u all start to feel better ?

i dont care if i dont 'bloom' but i wanna feel normal , and be able to do normal things !

sorry to say.. but i felt great in the first 12 weeks and now i feel bl00dy awful 24/7..

but i suppose im opposite to u and ull feel better in this trimester... but for me it was 1st tri that was great!
Hi I'm sneaking in here a day early but I was going to ask the exact same thing!!!
My house is a tip as all I wanna do after battling through work is sleep! And the front garden looks like noone lives here cos we havent cut the grass for weeks! :rotfl:

Where has my energy gone?????
I started to recover from being a zombie at 13 weeks but now Im getting tired much quicker. I can barely walk to the end of our small street without getting really breathless.
I felt fine all week from Sun to Fri (just as i went back to work after the summer hols!) Then yesterday and today I feel awful again so I am really gutted as i honestly thought that was it!

I think most people start to feel better between 12 and 16 wks, so hopefully not much longer!
i was sick until the 16th mark at least 3 times a day. Then it was only once or twice a week and still is at 21weeks.

On the 5/6 days a week i'm not sick i just get more tired than normal.

I think everyone is different.

Hope you start feeling better soon :D
Never!! haha well as you know I still feel terrible and seem to be getting worse days that i did at the beginning :( Its seriously getting me really down to be honest ive really had enough of having no energy and feeling sick!!

Hope your feeling better soon honey :hug: :hug:
around the 16 week mark, I got my energy back but you have to realise you HAVE to have your afternoon naps. By the time I reached 28 - 29 weeks, I couldn't keep up working 5 - 6 days a week, fully, now I am down to one day a week and due to take my maternity this coming week.

Unfortunately, there isn't much you czan do. Just try to eat more fruit and veg and a balance diet, it may give you an extra kick.
i've just started to get some energy back in the last week or so, i still get really tired doing the smallest things tho, did a huge cleanup in our fkat on saturday and pushed OH round town in his wheelchair (he has a full leg cast bless him) and i was shattered, could tell the effects more on sunday tho cos i slept for 2 hours in the afternoon and i never sleep during the day unless im ill hope u feel better soon tho, and welcome to tri 2 btw, havent got round to saying it yet!
For me it was 20 weeks onwards I think....Hope your feeling better soon :hug:

Theres nothing worse :hug:
thanks girls, dunno how to snap out of it ! got me mum here and still strugglin , wanted to doa loads , all i wanna do is lay on sofa

had really bad tummy pains today too so hadnt helped

think if i got 6 months of this to go , someone wanna book me into a looney bin :roll:

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