when did Braxton Hicks start?


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2006
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Hi mums to be! :wave:

i am new to third tri, got back from 4 weeks in NZ yesterday and passed into 3rd tri while I was away

I wondered when Braxton Hicks started occuring (if at all!) for any of you, I havnt had any at all and was interested

Thanks!! :)
They can start at any time.

I only notice mine if i happen to touch my tummy and its solid, so it is possible to have them and not know anything about it.

as Flame says they can start at any time i had them from 20 somthing weeks . But with my first i didnt have them or just didnt notice


Try not to worry. I didn't get any BH at all with DD and DS1. I started getting them at about 36/37 weeks with DS2, and this time I have been getting them really strongly from about 30 weeks.

I think the more babies you have, the more you feel them, and the more intense they get.

It's normal not to get any, so try not to worry.


Heather x
I think I have BH now as my tummy is rock hard. I started getting it a few days ago (approx 38 weeks). No pain accompanying it though :D
With my 1st they started at 30 weeks and this one started at 28 weeks. Some women dont even feel them, whereas others do.. like me :roll: lol!
I've had the odd Braxton in this pregnancy until the past week or so i'm now getting more and can feel them down below and in my back, turning into woppers they are :D Got 5 in an hr last night and hubbies asking me if it's labour, oh no, that hurts more lol.
I get about 5 hrs break from them a day lol! They are definitly getting stronger this past week, right round to my back too. I get them constantly, they're annoying :(

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