When can you put LO to sleep on their tummy?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2011
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My little one is a bit windy, and doesn't like being put on his back after feeding, so I spent ages last night trying to put him to sleep. He loves being on his tummy though, and sleeps happily. I only let him to stay on his tummy while I'm changing him, as I am near by. I know it is not recommended for babies to sleep on their tummies...

I was wondering when is it ok for me to start putting him to sleep on the tummy? When he is month old? 6 months? A year? When the baby can roll over? Or when they can hold their head (my little one can already do that).
My lo sleeps on his tummy most of the time! He is 13 months old. Correct me ladies if im wrong, but im pretty sure its fine for them to sleep like this once they are able to roll over? As a newborn we always put him on his side. With like a rolled up towel behind him iykwim (this is what we were advosed to do in italy!)
Mine has slept on his tummy from 10 weeks. Hv would say never put them down on their tummy... Bit of your baby wont sleep you have to deal with the sleeplessness, not them!
I personally wouldn't until they could roll over and lift their head, I was having trouble with my LO sleeping n bad wind all past week and a friend suggested putting him on his tummy, as he can lift his head now by himself. However my mum told me that she did the same with me and when it was time for feeding me she came to my crib and I'd gone blue and stopped breathing...the hospital kept me in for a week and couldn't figure it out for ages what caused it...my mum said it was apnea I think...anyway it dampened my spirits a little bit as I wasn't sleeping in the day OR the night and was willing to try anything and chances are it probably won't happen to our LOs...but I know I'd rather get up 20 times in the night rather than never again :( maybe try rolling a blanket up and sleeping them slightly on their side, and maybe put a couple of folded up blankets underneath his mattress so it's tilted at the top end :) xx
Kynon prefers his tummy too and I've left him like that but watched him cos I was too scared he might suffercate. I think it's when they can roll over on their own. I did think about getting a breathing mat and putting him on his tummy. Strange isn't it how when I was a baby you were told to put babies on their tummy and not back incase they were sick!
You can get a sensor pad though if nothing else works. They have an alarm if no breathing is detected for more than 20 sec. Tbh I am co-sleeping because there was no other way my lo was sleeping and it's not recommended either..
I asked a hv yesterday - she also said you can leave LO on the back when he starts to roll over xx

I leave him to lie like this when I am around without a nappy on - very good for him.

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