When can we try again?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2010
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Hi everyone. Well I never thought that I would be posting on this part of the forum bit here I am.

A week ago on Tuesday oh got our BFP and were over the moon that we got it first time round and felb so fortunate. But a six days after recieving my BFP I started passing brown blood and started to panic and by the Tuesday morning was sent into EPU for an ultrasound, internal scan, pregnancy test and HCG blood tests. Scans both came back with no signs of my baby in there anymore, pregnancy test was so faint we had to hold it up to the window to see the faint line and blood test showed by levels had dropped drastically within 24hrs so it was definately a misscarraige. I would have been six weeks coming up for seven weeks pregnant. So was still early days but oh and I are devastated. Had 48hrs of not crying now but just feel panic in my stomachs all the time. Oh is at work offshore and not due back for another six days but my family have all been so supportive. On the up side though I still have my seven year old daughter who has been keeping my busy most days. Going out for a family meal tonight for my nieces bday and her my other niece who is only six weeks old will be there so hoping I will be okay. I adore both my nieces so much so should be okay. The question I wanted to ask you ladies is how long is it until I will have a cycle normal enough to TTC again? It has been five days I have been bleeding for now and it seems to be not as heavy the last couple of days. I hope you all don't think I've just moved on and forgotten the baby we have lost because I so haven't and when oh comes Home I think it's going to open the flood gates all over again for us both. Just that the last two days I have had such on overwhelming need to have my baby back inside me and growing again that it panics me. I only knew I was pregnant for just over a week before we lost our baby and I miss it so much it hurts:(xxxx
:hug: oh sweetheart I'm so sorry to hear of your MC. You'll have to see when your next AF arrives I guess. I think people can get pregnant quite quickly after MC but you'll have to decide yourself how long you need for your heart to heal xx
Awww Hun,

So sorry to hear what has happened, hope you are ok. x :hug:

Pretty much the same thing happened to me last month, and the doctor said it was ok to try again which I have done.

I've been using the Clear Blue ovulation tests as I'm not really sure if the miscarriage counts as the period and how to calculate ovulation, if my miscarriage counts as a period I should ovulate tomorrow but who knows.

For me trying again has been a positive thing and has given me something to focus on, every morning, it's exciting waiting to see if I get the smiley face or not.

You will feel better in a couple of weeks, and moving on will be a good thing whenever you are ready.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I mc in July at 6, nearly 7 weeks. I bled for about 7 days and it took 5 weeks (from when the mc started) to get my period. I am now pregnant again, found out Monday. I am just over 4 weeks.
I know how you are feeling and how awful it is. Just try to stay positive, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so sorry. Big hugs xxx
Awww Hun,

So sorry to hear what has happened, hope you are ok. x :hug:

Pretty much the same thing happened to me last month, and the doctor said it was ok to try again which I have done.

I've been using the Clear Blue ovulation tests as I'm not really sure if the miscarriage counts as the period and how to calculate ovulation, if my miscarriage counts as a period I should ovulate tomorrow but who knows.

For me trying again has been a positive thing and has given me something to focus on, every morning, it's exciting waiting to see if I get the smiley face or not.

You will feel better in a couple of weeks, and moving on will be a good thing whenever you are ready.


Went to the doctors yesterday to have my second bloods taken and i have to phone on Monday for the results, but when i was at the EPU on Tuesday my HCG levels had dropped dramatically aleady so i'm not too concerned about the outcome tbh.

I have never tried the ovulation tests before i might take a wee look into getting them though. We were so fortunate on falling pregnant with our daughter 7years ago and this time round we fell pregnant first month of trying! We counted ourselves to be so lucky until Tuesday of course:(

I feel if we were to start trying again once i stop bleeding that it would help me but oh is worried and thinks i need more time to get over this and take some time to heal? Will need to wait until he comes home on Thursday and we can talk things over properly.

Thanks for your advice it's really helped, and also helped me not feel guilty that i am wanting to be pregnant again.

Thanks for all of your support everyone aswell, it's like being part of one big familybeing able to share the pain with you all:) xxxx
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. I mc in July at 6, nearly 7 weeks. I bled for about 7 days and it took 5 weeks (from when the mc started) to get my period. I am now pregnant again, found out Monday. I am just over 4 weeks.
I know how you are feeling and how awful it is. Just try to stay positive, there is light at the end of the tunnel. I'm so sorry. Big hugs xxx

Thanks for advice on when to expect period! Thought i was starting to stop bleeding last night but tonight it has started again and its bright red tonight! (sorry TMI)

CONGRATULATIONS! Wonderful news and helps to keep the faith that like you say there is light at the end of the tunnel after such sad times. I wish you a happy healthy nine months ahead and you keep well.

Thanks xxx
I am definetely happy I waited a cycle before trying again. It took me about 5 weeks to heal physically. I was in such a bad way, i had terrible backache and was very anaemic. i couldnt do much without having to lie down all the time! I was off work for 3 weeks and then worked from home for a week. The I went away for 3 weeks. I just had to get away from it all so booked a holiday last minute. I'm so glad i did as it allowed me time to get over the mc. i didnt feel my body was ready to deal with another pregnancy before another period. But everyone is different and some women do try straight away. This time round it didnt feel as though we were trying to get pregnant as much. I didnt want to get so obsessed so we just went with the flow and it happened! Each day I still think about the baby I lost and probably always will. But there is always hope and faith. take care and hope you recover soon xx
Hey chica,

Firstly, I'm really sorry for your loss *hugs*

I know that desperation to be pregnant again .. but personally .. and I'm saying this after two consecutive losses in the last 2 month, it might be best to wait one cycle, just to let things inside heal, your hormones to 'reset' if you know what I mean... I wish to God I'd had a cycle between the two losses .. sometimes I think this pregnancy might have turned out more positive you know?

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