When baby drops down


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Can you feel it? The bottom of my bump, round my bikini line is really hurting today. It's the kind of pain that you get when your bladders been too full for too long if that makes sense. I'm struggling to stand up straight lol. I take it it's just the ligaments and stuff getting used to having him down there? I'm also getting foof sensations that's making the "lil man in the boat" go a bit funny :shock: xxxxxxxx
I had this last week it's horrid :(
I got told yesterday that she was engaged and I can feel pressure towards my pelvis (if that makes sense). But I Think she has been quite low all the time so cant give you a good answer:/

Can you feel it? The bottom of my bump, round my bikini line is really hurting today. It's the kind of pain that you get when your bladders been too full for too long if that makes sense. I'm struggling to stand up straight lol. I take it it's just the ligaments and stuff getting used to having him down there? I'm also getting foof sensations that's making the "lil man in the boat" go a bit funny :shock: xxxxxxxx

Please always be in my life Bb! You make me giggle practically every day with one of your sayings! When things feel rough - you are there with your brilliant comments! God - I almost would pay you to be my birthing partner right now! Haha!:):):)
I was the same around 35 weeks and still get twinges occasionally if I move suddenly or bend down.
Yep thats exactly what i'm like, my thighs and tops of my legs as pelvis is aching and cant walk far without needing to pee!
Well something has definitely changed over night. Couldn't even walk to the corner shop earlier without stopping and treading off the curb was agony. Can't sit with my legs shut, very ladylike lol and can't do my fave cardi up round my bump which I could yesterday. My boobs are also incredibly stingy today.

I bet I wake up tomorrow and everything's back the way it was lol, in fact if this is what the last few weeks are like I really hope so
oooooooooooooo excatly how I have been feeling hun. I actually felt AJs hands digging in my foof and bum last night. It was very unsettling!! Had a pic in my head of a little mole in there. lol. I am in so much pain I can't have my legs closed as his head is there and I can't have them open cos of the SPD they are sort of propped open and a little angle. I can't sit directly down either cos I feel like I'm sitting on his head.
oooooooooooooo excatly how I have been feeling hun. I actually felt AJs hands digging in my foof and bum last night. It was very unsettling!! Had a pic in my head of a little mole in there. lol. I am in so much pain I can't have my legs closed as his head is there and I can't have them open cos of the SPD they are sort of propped open and a little angle. I can't sit directly down either cos I feel like I'm sitting on his head.

How far engaged are you? I'm going to ask the gp cos it all feels very very different.

I bet if men had to go through this it would be all euphoria and bloody tickles for nine months.....bloody wimps can handle the paaaaaiiiinnnnn lol
I had this last week, it was like it for about 2 days, the pressure at the front of my bump was unreal. Very low down. Then it went back to normal haha. Midwife said they can go into position then back out again. Only 4 days and little man can come so maybe its the start of things for u?? xxx
I get an intense urge to pee at times and a feeling as though my pelvis is full. My LO isn't quite engaged yet but I think he/she is dropping in and out of the pelvis. It's not very pleasant is it? :( :hug:
Ooo...you're all so lucky! Even though I have pains in my pelvis I can still sit with my legs together!!! Taht can't be good! Will try to do some yoga exercices to "open up"...lol'
The sonographer and mw on monday said 4/5ths engaged and on my notes it said 1/5 ceph but I think hes in there now. Sonographer said he was tucked right in and perfect for labour. lol. Disappointed her when I said oh well shame I'm having a c-section. lol.Ask the doc see what he says. My OH was after dtd this morning he got a swift kick and a lecture about how painful it is having his sons big head there. x
Yeah see I'm worried about not being able to do the do to get the little cherub out lol. The OH gave me a verbal list of things I had to do today like washing down walls and stuff ready to paint but he got told to fuck off. He's cleaning the walls himself :D
we just had a strong discussion over the fact that god forbid he doesn't get to have a afternoon nap bujt me and the dog were gonna curl up and have one!!!!!! Apparently everytime he wants to sit and relax I get him to do things!!! I asked him to carry the washing basket upstairs cos it was heavy before he went to work (only a 3 hour shift today!!!!) and that was a issue. He is soooooooo gonna suffer later when I let the dog lick his dinner. lol
Yeah sounds like LOs engaging. I feel like my whole foof might fall out when I walk sometimes. It's really painful. Enjoy!!! X
I think my little boy has always been lying low as always had a lot of pressure on lower bump, but lately I have sometimes been getting pressure in my foof as if it is swelled up xxx Midwife told me at 34 weeks he was head down but nothing about him being engaged, nothing in notes either xxx
I too have been getting this happen every so often. Is a very uncomfortable and strange feeling and if I'm out walking which I usually am when it happens I suddenly have to start waddling like never before with my legs more apart than usual making me look from behind like I've probably pooed myself lol
I'm a lot earlier than most of you talking about this though, is it normal then for baby to venture down that low at any stage? I guess I just feeling her more the bigger she gets.
I saw the MW Thursday before last and she said it felt like baby's head was down low and so it was a little bum I had poking out my side :) Is it a good thing maybe that baby is in right way down at this stage?
Albert was already head down at my 28 week appointment so I am hoping it's normal lol although it's becoming obvious he has mummy's sense of direction

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