when and how to tell parents?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2006
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well as you all know by now i am pregnant!!! we werent trying and have only been together around 5 months (although was best mates for along time before that!) anyhow its happening and as i have been to the docs today we feel we need to tell both sides of parents. the thing is i am petrified of telling me, how did you tell yours?? how did they react?? i am petrified!!!
why are u so worried hun?! theyre your parents, so long as theyre not dictators like mine you will be fine!!

get Danny to come over as well so u can both tell them together, let them know ur serious about it and show solidarity then they will take it fine

good luck - do it asap!!!! :hug: :hug:
What did docs say hun?
your parents will be fine hun, i was the same age as u and to be honest my dad went mad but after 24 hours he was fine, what u have to remember is you have had time to get used to the idea, its only fair they have time too so dont be too shoked if they kick off at first it wont last :hug:
i know we are both going to tell each others parents together!! BUT i am just so scared of what mine will say, they will say something because of how long we have been together, but to us that doesnt matter we love each other to bits and thats all that matters, plus we dont live together but we are going to try and sort that out before the baby comes!!!!

Kay what did your folks say? what about your OH's folks??

i knew my mum and dad would be over the moon so last night (after 6 positive tests :lol: ) me and OH went a run to mothercare and bought a book for grandparents, we went round to my parents and said we'd bought them a present, we handed it to them upside down and when they saw what it was they both jumped up and shouted are you?!?! i started crying and so did they :oops:

we have no idea how to tell OH parents, OH doesnt really get on with them too well!

im sure you'l be fine though, you have each other! maybe the will be initially shocked but give them time and am sure everyone will be ecstatic!

good luck (not that you prob need it) :hug:
MissGobby said:
Kay what did your folks say? what about your OH's folks??


I got thrown out at 6mths pg cos they wanted me to leave OH and i wouldnt so i had to choose between losin my parents or losin Mike so I chose Mike - OHs parents were over the moon, when i got thrown out they took me in and when Jam was born they spoilt him like mad - we lived with them for a year til we got our own place but Jam has a very strong bond with them - they are the only family he has which makes me sad but glad cos they love him so much

my parents have never seen Jam either
My OHs parents took the news well (He's 27) But my Mum went mental. Because we aren't married (we are now engaged) she felt I was shaming the family by having a baby out of Wedlock..She's come round now though (Well, it took her about 2 weeks after I told her) and everything's good. I think she just worried cause I'm only 20 and don't have a great job or anything and haven't had much of a life yet..but I know everything's going to be fine :)
I was petrified also.

OH's parents were over the moon, the week after she wasout buying things for the baby and then mine took he attitude 'well your old enough, we'll support you'

Both sets were absolutely in bits when I m/c so I guess they were both secretly ecstatic.

Good luck and if I can help further PM me x
I was 21 when I got pregnant with James and I expected my parents to go mental but they were fine. They were extremely supportive and when things went wrong between OH and I for a bit they even let me move back home until James was 3 months old and I had my own place sorted.

OH's parents were not so good to begin with. They are very traditional and a bit stuck up at times so they weren't happy about us, not being married, not having much money (we were both in debt), and not having a place of our own to live (we were living in a single room in a house share at the time. They even told OH they would lend him the money for me to have an abortion! I suppose they were just trying to help and do what they thought was right.
He didn't help matters though by being a useless idiot and dumping me cos I wouldn't have an abortion :roll:
Anyway, once James was born and me and OH got back together they loved being grandparents and they adore James. Though MIL has said to me before how having james has held us back. I think she's a snobby cow at times though so not the greatest example.

I'm sure the parents will be fine, it will be a relief for you once you've told them no matter what happens :hug: :hug:
i have the same trouble! my mum knows and it soo happy but i havent told my dad, they dont live together, he was only saying a few weeks ago i need to live a bit before having children then i find out im pregnant! arrrggg im so scared of telling him!
We haven't told our families yet and don't intend to until after the first scan, just to be on the safe side :pray: My parents are off visiting my sister who gave birth to their first grandchild last November, so I think they will be ok when they find out we are expecting too.

I'm sure both sets of parents will be very supportive MissG, expecially when they see that you are going to take steps to set up home together before the baby is born :D
I feel old now! I'm 30 so my parents were over the moon..."about time..." etc

Try not to worry though, even if they are surprised at first every parent's secret wish is to become a grandparent and I'm sure they'll soon be as excited as you. And this way they'll be able to enjoy the LO before they get too old! xx
lol don't feel old mandspice, I'm 29, and if you feel old it must mean I'm old and I refuse to accept that ;)
My parents and Oh parents were both over the moon but because of previous MC's they were all worried and tried not to get to excited, even though after the scan last week they are both now planning on buying all of mothercare and next......lol

When i was pg with harrison i was 16, but even then my mum knew i was with a waster but still supported me and then said told you so when he walked out.

I'm sure your parents will be fine hun, its their grandbaby, why shouldn't they be?
my dad wasn't best pleased but then he's always been the awkward one.

me and nat only got together at the end of last june and found out about ryan in the middle of december. we're still doing fine.

Me and gal had only been going out 3 weeks when i fell pg, wasnt planned and didnt find out till later. My mum and dad went mental, they wanted me to have an abortion, but i said i wouldnt, took em bout 7 months to be happy for me :roll: and gal was the same tbh but we are one big happy familiy now, we live together with our little lady and are trying for another, weve been together for 2 years now and nowts geting in our way, were even thinking bout buying our house next year, if your parents arnt happy now they will be in time dont worry :hug:

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