Whats your pick me up?


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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I decidedto bake today. Then realised it's not something I've done in a while and I only really bake alone when I'm trying to cheer myself up. So the plan is to sit with a lovely chocolatey fairy cake and a glass of vino tonight and just veg out to friday night TV and maybe a film or two.

My perfect, calming me down kind of night!

But then I got thinking...... What ways do those lovely ladies in TTC do when things get too much??

Well Im usually a nice meal with my hubby and then a good film at the cinema with salted popcorn! Hubby is away on a stag this weekend so Ive just showered, put on my jammies (yes already) doing myself a facial with all my posh stuff. Have a macaroni cheese in the fridge for tea. Will watch Andy Murray hopefully triumph at the tennis then sit down to a chick flick bonanza accompanied by Chocolate!

Oh and Im hosting a girls cocktail party tomorrow night! Good days!
My favourite way to wind down is to have a hot bubbly bath and then a good old takeout in front of a film with some vino whilst sat on the sofa, in my jammies and with my duvet...curtains shut and lights down low with hubby next to me and pooches at our feet. Love it! Sounds so appealing right now! :)

Oops, almost forgot...I also have a mass of chocolate for after!

x x
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Go out with hubbie for a bike ride in the woods down the road. Never fails to cheer me up

Then a nice long bath while he cooks me dinner ;)
Love em all!

Laura - I'm already in my jammies too and so far I've like polished off half the cakes anyway and am chilling giving myself a manicure watching red dwarf ( Yes I might only be 18 but I know and love the whole thing thanks to my dear father lol!)

If the man was home, he'd sooo be cooking tonight!!

Think we all deserve some serious pamper time!

Hows your break going Cosmic??

Glad im not the only person who is in their jammies early! Just so comfy, although a cake would be better! Jealous!
I'm one of those who, if I'm in the house, I'm in my jammies! It's at the stage where when OH's family and friends come over and I'm dressed they think they've stopped me going somewhere! His army buddies agree with me about it though - better being comfy and if you can't get comfy when you want in your own home, where can you!

I got so bored this aft waiting for my ring to be ready to be picked up I thought I'd bake=D only realisedlike half way through what it meant lol!!

ha! Laurat - thought i was the only one who liked salty popcorn!!
Oh no I love it! Its the best thing about the cinema! My hubby thinks Im weird though! We have to get separate popcorns as he refuses to get salted and I refuse sweet!
ha ha ha! we do the same!!!
that has cheered me right up
its a strange world this ttc.....
Shop shop and shop..........I'm spending like crazy since ttc I suppose thats the plus side to not being pregnant with child num 3 money to spare!!. xx
A run with the dog followed by a hot bath, glass of wine and PJs with big comfy socks.

Definately having a chilling, distract myself kind of weekend next week- Ov date next weekend and OH is stuck in germany with work so might drag myself off here, go and spend a crap load of money and have a nice girly night out or I might take the horse up to the lakes for the weekend for some serious hacking loll!

Internet shopping, pjs, blanket, mash potato (don't care what with lol) and oh tickling me :)

Actually in wanna be doing that right now!! Xx

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