Whats you little ones latest thing


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2005
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whats the latest thing your little one has started doing??

Diors is kissing i love it she walks up to me going "uuuummmmmmmm" and plants a big smacker on my lips she does it to Harley too.
and opening the freezer and eating the ice. and putting her dummy down the loo and sucking it :puke:

and every thing with 4legs is a "doggy" even if its a horse or a cow :lol:
hannah is just starting to blow kisses and get into everything she should'nt and forgetting that she can't quite run yet lol.
she is also calling kieron daddy and then laughing because she knows hes not and it winds him up
Well lewis's new word is to go around saying f**k to everyone i hate to think where he may have picked that up from naughty boy :lol:
as soon as chloe sees a dog she woofs, or a cat she meiows n a fish she smacks her lips, she is constantly takin things out the bin(even food which shell then eat :puke: ) :roll: n sings along 2 teletubbies(all she says is dipsy dispy dipsy) aww shes at such a cute stage, except the bad days ;)
Yvanne said:
: n sings along 2 teletubbies(all she says is dipsy dispy dipsy) aww shes at such a cute stage, except the bad days ;)

lol she souns just like Dior. i will give Dior her dinner the junk thats left goes in the bin i wil then catch Dior eating it and she sings teletubies but all she says is po po po. and when the sun comes up, she points and says harley lol she thinks its him as they look similer :lol:
its so minging!!! and she knows its naughty cos wen i tell her off she laughs!!! chloe loves the baby in the sun!!! she kisses it lol
Every time OH ask callum to do sumthing he salutes and shouts yes sir lol or if its me he shouts yes sir girl :rotfl:
Mason's a bit older but he's "latest thing" is playing hangman (the word/letter guessing game) He's obsessed... we play for at least an hour a day :lol:
beth is also doing the whole kissing thing constantly and to everyone she kissed the health visitor goodbye this afternoon :lol:
all animals are either dog or cat
refusing to eat her dinner and throwing it around the room :x then going through the bin :puke: and laughing when she gets told off :roll:
calling dan mum mum because she knows it annoys him :lol:
she has started calling me rara (think she is trying to say sara) rather than mum :lol:
and dancing to everything - she goes mental over that sheilas wheels advert :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
urchin said:
Mason's a bit older but he's "latest thing" is playing hangman (the word/letter guessing game) He's obsessed... we play for at least an hour a day :lol:

I love that game!!! What a clever lil boy Mason sounds, I cant even get OH to play that with me :(
has started calling me rara (think she is trying to say sara) rather than mum

when Dior loves me im "mama" when shes shouting at me im "Dionne" but she says it like "deeee onnnn"

she is so used to me shouting at kris if she is shouting him from upstairs she shouts "KISS"
kris hates it and says "its daddy"

and playing "dizzy dizzy" she spins round and round then pretends to be dizzy for a hour walking into things and laughing and falling over :lol:

Dior hates men other then very close family. we were in asda a man said hi she screamed. the sky engineer come to my house you would have thought she was getting murdered she screamed till he left she is so scared?? mummy could never have an affair :roll:
she crys when the doorbell rings when i run the tap when i let the plug out when i hover? dont no what its all about but she is such a wussy and crys and hides :? she hate load noses
worse thing of all is when i use sella tape the nose it makes when u tear some off. she breaks her heart
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

i think beth and dior would get on well :lol:

dizzy dizzy seems to be a favourite in this house recently too :lol:
dionne said:
has started calling me rara (think she is trying to say sara) rather than mum

when Dior loves me im "mama" when shes shouting at me im "Dionne" but she says it like "deeee onnnn"

she is so used to me shouting at kris if she is shouting him from upstairs she shouts "KISS"
kris hates it and says "its daddy"

and playing "dizzy dizzy" she spins round and round then pretends to be dizzy for a hour walking into things and laughing and falling over :lol:

Dior hates men other then very close family. we were in asda a man said hi she screamed. the sky engineer come to my house you would have thought she was getting murdered she screamed till he left she is so scared?? mummy could never have an affair :roll:
she crys when the doorbell rings when i run the tap when i let the plug out when i hover? dont no what its all about but she is such a wussy and crys and hides :? she hate load noses
worse thing of all is when i use sella tape the nose it makes when u tear some off. she breaks her heart

Jaycee shouts that to my chris too he hates it! IM DADDY!!!! KRISSS!!! hahaha!! she loves it!
She sings Laa laa laa to the tubbies and goes 'BABYY!!! baby!!! baby!!!' when the sun comes up-she loves babies,
She loves the dizzy stuff while trying to run!! LMAO its funny!! her 'new thing' is singing happy birthday at the top of her voice! Like 'dum de dum dum TOOOO YOOOOUUUUUU!!!!!! dum de dum dum TTOOOOOO YOOOOUUUUUUUUUUU MUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYY TOOOOO YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUU!!!!! MUMMY TOO YOU MUMMY TOO YOU TOO YOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!
Drives me MAD!!!
Oh and the loud sound thing may be a hearing prob or sore ears, may wanna check it out!
My nans m8s grandkid had tantrums badly and went mental at any loud ish noise, was constantly told of for ignoring and saying 'what? what?' turned out she was half deaf. They found out when she was 4! She's had treatment and now she's fine!
Zacks latest thing is putting on my make-up :oops:
If im doing it then he has to do it aswell.
I give him a bit of baby cream to put on his face, he seems to be happy with that lol
Yeah jaycee loves putting suncream on me and herself...not a bad thing when its hot!!

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