whats this pain?


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2010
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Yesterday i really fancied some sprite and had a big mouthful and i swear, 1 second after i swallowed the pain was like an explotion at the top of my tummy and i screamed out and the pain was so bad i was sick all over the kitchen!
After them few seconds of extream pain (never felt anything like it) It went but it was still quite painful. just under my ribs. I couldnt eat or drink for 5-6 hours! I had dinner late last night and i managed to eat a little bit but it hurt when i went to bed. This morning it was gone and i had my breakfast some youghurt and special K and guess what.. its hurting again. Not as much as yesterday but def hurting in the area between bellyB and ribs. its like a pressure.

Noa is all ok tho as hes been kicking away
I get that now and again. Think it's down to swallowing a huge gulp of gas from the pop.. Normally sorts itself out with a huge burp lol Not sure why it's so painful though.
your diagphram may have spasmed with the large amount of fizzy pop hitting it unexpectantly so may have just strained it a little prob go away in a couple of days x
your diagphram may have spasmed with the large amount of fizzy pop hitting it unexpectantly so may have just strained it a little prob go away in a couple of days x

^^^ This makes sense x

Hope it goes soon hun xxx

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