What's this appointment for?


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Hey ladies.

I'm not sure how it works in other areas, but here, I'm low risk so I'm under what's called shared care. This means that all my mw appt are at my docs surgery and the only reason I have been to hospital so far is for scans.

But I have a hospital appt on 30th May, I'll be around 30wks. I saw my mw last week, and will see her again on 14th June when I'll be 32wks, so I'm not entirely sure what the 30wk hospital appt is for??

I'm already booked in for antenatal classes and tour of the delivery suite, so its not that. And I get my bloods done with the mw at my docs.
Anyone know what this hospital appt is for?

I'm not worried about it or anything, just curious x

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Don't know I'm afraid hun, but didn't want to read and run

Are you a rhesus negative blood type? If you are it might be an anti-d injection?
No I'm O+ blood type x

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I don't know I'm afraid Hun. I know I have to see my doctor instead of mw at 26 wks just because thy like to check on you. Maybe that's when they do tha for you??
Just asked my SIL who gave birth 6 months ago in the same hospital (prob should have asked her first lol) but she said she had an appt at 30wks and it was another scan. So fx that's what its for!
I think I remember something about a third scan at my early pregnancy class, but I thought it was at 32wks.

But there u have it, here's hoping its a scan then!
I'm afraid to get too excited though incase its not lol x

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I think it's a growth scan...I've got one for 30weeks or thereabouts on my appointment card, that was made for me at my booking appointment!! Im under shared care too! xx
will keep fingers crossed its for a scan and you can see baby again

im under shared care and mw seen me at 17 weeks and was going to see me at 25 weeks but I see he consultant at 24 weeks so mw has said hang off till im 28 weeks xx
Thanks girls. Its on 30th May and I've had it booked since my 12wk scan, just never thought much abt it til now x

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I hae one at 36 weeks to makes ure the babies not to big going all the way to 40 but as to why you need two not sure.

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