Whats the wierdest thing youve seen being sold on ebay?

I was sent an email of an ebay item - man selling his "adulterous, lying, cheating, bit** whore wife" - there was a picture of her and also her mobile number and that of his friend (the other party) along with his address and his wifes name!!

The funniest thing is people had asked him questions and he had answered them like serious enquires....... Think ebay pulled it pretty quickly but some bright spark had copied onto an email........ Priceless.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
These are fricking awesome, im having a right laugh with gal here :rotfl:
reallyoldmum said:
I was sent an email of an ebay item - man selling his "adulterous, lying, cheating, bit** whore wife" - there was a picture of her and also her mobile number and that of his friend (the other party) along with his address and his wifes name!!

The funniest thing is people had asked him questions and he had answered them like serious enquires....... Think ebay pulled it pretty quickly but some bright spark had copied onto an email........ Priceless.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D

thats just reminded me when looking for christmas pressies on ebay last year I seen someone selling there MIL one careful owner etc and then he said she cooked a mean cake lmafo!!!

then after christmas there was loads of people selling un opened christmas pressies from partners that had cheated :rotfl:
aw i was going to say about the person selling their MIL lol
okay i've been looking - the things they sell in america...

a mcdonalds napkin for over $20

http://cgi.ebay.com/MCDONALDS-NAPKIN_W0 ... dZViewItem

empty box of lucky charms over $20 again

http://cgi.ebay.com/EMPTY-BOX-OF-LUCKY- ... dZViewItem

an empty can of diet coke with lime for $70...

http://cgi.ebay.com/100-EMPTY-CAN-OF-DI ... dZViewItem

and 6 racoon penis bones.....

http://cgi.ebay.com/6-JUMBO-RACCOON-BAC ... dZViewItem

and a kangaroo scrotum leather pouch.....

http://cgi.ebay.com/KANGAROO-SCROTUM-Le ... dZViewItem

:shock: :roll: :rotfl:
A while ago someone was selling "nothing" saying thigs like "if you bid, you will receive absolutely nothing".. and with bids :shock:

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