What's the first thing you do...


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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... when your baba is finally off to sleep at night?

I do all my 'bad mother' stuff! First thing I do is go out side for a fag (with baby montier, just in case), safe in the knowledge that he wont be able to inhale any nasty chemicals off me because it's a good few hours before he wakes up again. Then I make tea and catch up on all my brain-rot soaps that I sky-plused during feed/bath/massage/bed!

If I wasn't on ADs and still trying to BF I'd probably have a glass on wine or two as well! :rotfl:
i make dinner for me & OH and then i usually fall asleep on the sofa in front of the telly! connor's steadily bringing his bedtime forward - he hit 8.30pm tonight, which is a record :cheer:

if i manage to stay away then occasionally i'll have a small glass of wine, cos he doesn't feed again til after 2am. and i've just started to make jewellery so i sit and do that too :D :D
When Calleigh is in bed i tidy up, put the tea on then sit in front of the telly usually with the laptop on my lap on the PF :lol:
I get a glass of coke, a slice of cake and settle down at the computer!
curl up in front of the telly and chat on PF with 2 hands!
i make a cuppa and some food and i sit in front of big brother with my laptop... hehe
TIdy up imediate mess. If OH is home go for a fag. If not turn on crap TV set up thr laptop and open a beer :D

Then do the bottles etc once ive relaxed
I watch a film with DH then go to bed
Ryan doesnt go to sleep till about 11 so i sterilize the bottles then watch tv while on the t'internet and go to bed! and oh my gosh i just looked at the time! :eek: I should get into bed! Ive got a package being delivered and the last 2 times shes delievered something its been at 9.17 am and shes so loud she wakes ryan up to so i dont get to go back to bed!!! :evil:
I fall into bed exhausted. It took me an hour to get her to go to sleep last night! Went to bed at 11.30 after she eventually went down and talked with OH for a while then blissful sleep . .
Tidy up, clean the bathroom & kitchen, then eventually collapse in front of the tv or laptop with a cup of tea.
I sort the washing machine/tumble dryer and dishwasher then go to sleep myself!
He goes to bed about half 7 and then I --

Try and Chill out, a glass of wine sometimes helps, gennerally at the weekend! :p

Mabey tidy round quickly, but I try and do everything during the day, so I can relax on my laptop, watching crap on tv and chilling with OH, then bed by half 10 usually.
Lucy's bed-time is usually between 7:30 & 8 but we take it in turns to read stories so if its my turn to read then when I'm finished I get a cuppa and sit down to watch whatever I've SKY+ed or play on the laptop/Wii. If it's not my turn to read stories then I'll have a tidy up of Lucy's toys etc. then sit down with a cuppa.
Tidy up baby stuff so the place doesn't look like a nursery, do his bottles and then make tea. Then a bit of TV, probably puree stuff for next day and bed. Boring!
Snuggle with Lee if hes home from work

If not, the dog..until Lee gets home

I watch big brother and then go to :sleep: myself :)

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