What's the best age.....


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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To let your child play outside the front?

I've put this in Off topic so everyone can answer :)

I have been meaning to post this for a while but I have just seen another post that's reminded me.

Mason is 6 in July, and I don't feel ready for him to play out the front of the house on his own.

We live set far back from the road on a slip road with a big rectangular piece of grass in front, perfect for a game of football etc. There is pavement all around the edge and he loves riding him bike around there (when I'm watching)
I see other kids playing out there, a little bit older than him maybe but not much. yesterday I saw a group of kids on bikes and they MUST have been the same age, they were small!

I worry so much, I worry about him crossing the road, even though he has good road sense and I worry about strangers.

When do you think is the right age, obviously it depends on the child but if the child is very sensible, when would you let them play out the front?
I swear I'll be an over protective parent, I'm going to dread the day Kieran asked to go outside on his bike or something :? especially in light of recent events :(
I put 8 yrs old.... but I know we where younger when we played out the front with our friends....its sad to say tho that times have changed ..we where in a real close knit community and everyone knew everyone else! its a shame that things cant be the same now as when we grew up.. you never know whos kicking about!! :(
clasper said:
I put 8 yrs old.... but I know we where younger when we played out the front with our friends....its sad to say tho that times have changed ..we where in a real close knit community and everyone knew everyone else! its a shame that things cant be the same now as when we grew up.. you never know whos kicking about!! :(

I put 9, because I am am evil over protective mother :?

You're right I used to go down the local playing field by myself all the time, but times seem to have changed now, and I don't see much community spirit going on in my area. Whereas I was brought up in a small village where everyone knew everyone else and their kids, which was nice.
Josh has been playing out front with his friends since 5 so I voted 5. He is nearly 7 now and they are all about the same age. I still only let him out there when all his other friends are out so I know he isnt on his own and he must stay where I can see him. Our kitchen is at the front where I spend most of my time, and I leave the front and back side door open so I can keep popping out to him.

Although recently he has been picked on by one of his friends older brothers, they have hidden his bike and swearing at him and one of them rode by the house sticking his fingers up at our house :evil: , so now he can only play out there when the older ones arent there, otherwise he's in the gardens of our or his other friends. I have looked a total looney ranting and raving at them on the street. And all their mother says to them in her prancy little voice is " I am not happy with you or did you do that?" They have no discipline and no respect for other people. So I keep him away.

Sorry for ranting on lol but basically I am or rather would be happy for him to play out front if it werent for them.
i voted 10 but only because we live on an A road and hav no front garden (the front door opens onto the street :x )
if it was my parents house i'd vote 5 tho coz they got private land at the front
No younger than 7 certainly as they can't develop speed distance awareness till then and you run the risk of them trying to cross a road to get a ball or something and being unable to judge safety.

I've got to say I would never have said 5. :(
I should maybe start sitting in the front garden with Brody and letting Mason play where I can see him.
Our house layout is kind of one big living room front to back but the sofas are at the back and the dining table and toys near the front, so I can't really see outside from where I sit.
libs said:
No younger than 7 certainly as they can't develop speed distance awareness till then and you run the risk of them trying to cross a road to get a ball or something and being unable to judge safety.

I've got to say I would never have said 5. :(

I thought that but I thought that was because I'm a worrier!!! My son is 5 next month, and to me he seems too little to be out playing by himself, so if he ever wants to go out, we take him out to play football or something rather than him out by himself.
We cant let our kids on the front, as we are on the main road and only have a little garden.. but if i could let them out it would be 10 yrs old or above, when they are old enough to understand about the nasty people out there, and tell the time etc..
I don't consider myself over protective - Josh is 13 and even after what happened the other day we've still allowed him to keep going the skate park all weekend. We've always given him some freedom but I think you have to weigh up the risks.
I live in a culdisac where everyone has kids. My daughter is outside now playing (on a neighbours trampoline) which is in there front garden she is 5.

I think it depends on child and where you live. I think I was outside playing from 5 as well but again lived in cul-di-sac. Go with what you think!
I let Jessica start playing out on the front when she was 4. She is very sensible and wasn't allowed far from the house. That might sound awful to some but where we live theres lots of houses facing each other and theres always some parents out on the front. its not like i just let her go off for the day. Shes almost 7 now and I still don't allow her off the front even though all the other kids her age do. I have to be able to see her out the kitchen window or she comes in.
I put five because it was the yougest age. I'm very lucky to live in a place which is very family friendly and all the mums let the kids play out in a communal play area together. My girls are three and four and I let them play out with the other kids. There are always three or four mums about to keep an eye out, sometimes I'm in the house, sometimes the other mums are, we kind of share the task of keeping an eye on the kids.

I was amazed when we first moved here and a little three year old from the NEXT VILLAGE came knocking on the door on her little bike. I certainly would never let Molly or Aimee travel that far alone (even though it's all countryside and no main roads). The attitude over here is totally different though. It's common for the little ones aged three and four to walk to school alone. Switzerland has a very low crime rate, and I guess parents here are about thirty years behind British parents in their attitudes.

I must admit though that after recent events I'm more reseverved about letting them play out where I can't see them.
At the risk of sounding pompous, I have a degree in social science and I'm only saying that so you know that I know what im talking about, if that makes sense lol, but anyway.....the risk to children playing out has NOT increased since we were kids, child crime has not risen atall and they are just as safe now as we were back then. The only thing thats risen is the media reporting of such things, and the changing of attitudes towards reporting such incidences to the police. So its only public awareness thats risen.

I would trust your own judgements, you know your son better than anyone and if you trust him to not do anything silly like go too far away, become a little hooligan or go off with a stranger, then its for you to decide.

I dont think theres anything wrong with teaching kids the basics like dont except lifts or sweets from a stranger, bit its a shame that so many kids these days are too scared to go anywhere alone. Or thier parents are too scared to let them.

Thats just my opinion though only you can decide and if the thought terrifies you right now than maybe leave it a couple more years till you can let him out without worrying too much about his safety.
I live in a first floor flat with large enclosed gardens at the rear, and my DD is a VERY wise 10 year old with a good head on her and she is also a higher ranking martial artist, EVEN so i don't let her out to play, i'm such a paranoid mother that if she does want to go and play i go down too and take both our dogs with me,
I have no idea when i will feel safe enough to let her go, its not that i don't trust her, far from it its every other bugger i don't trust :doh:
Good post GGG - I agree with everything you have said!!
glitzyglamgirl said:
.....the risk to children playing out has NOT increased since we were kids, child crime has not risen atall and they are just as safe now as we were back then. The only thing thats risen is the media reporting of such things, and the changing of attitudes towards reporting such incidences to the police. So its only public awareness thats risen.

Exactly. We are all more aware of the dangers now than our parents perhaps were. That's one of the reasons we chose to come and live over here. Crime rates are lower, but only because the population is so much smaller!

You're right GGG, it's about making informed decisions and trusting our instincts. I won't be letting my girls cycle 2kms to the next village to call for their mates, but I will continue to open the door and let them play out with the other kids on our quiet little street. :)
i said 7 but that is because we live on a cul-de-sac and harldy any cars come up. If anybody unknown comes up then somebody will see. There are a few kids who play out ranging from ages 5-10. they kick a football about or ride on their bikes.

Obviously i dont know yet if my child is going to be aware to the dangers of playing out so will have to decide at the time if i am comfortable with that. We have a massive park at the back of the house so it will be nice to take them out there to play as well
My brother has been playing in the front garden since he was 4, but the fence was high and very secure - over on the green i would say 6 is a ok age but it depnds on the child. Tyler my brother is a bit imature for his age - but when i met Mason and how you speak of him he seems like he is very sensible

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