Whats on your dinner menu this week


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2006
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These threads always give me ideas :dance:

Last night it had acti-fry chips and quarter pounder chicken burgers (any others make it pointless, yak lol)!

Tonight was breaded chicken wraps with lettuce, tomatoes, salsa and soured dip :dance: but I might be going out so that will be tomorrows menu if I do.
ooh sounds delicious! im gonna do a roast tonight lol! tomorrow is home made pizza, next day chicken wrapped in bacon i am feeling! day after that is gonna be some form of pasta, then day after that is soup :) i like to plan my week of food in the evenings lol x
Yum @ chicken - what do you serve with?
Tonight I'm eating home made onion sage and beef soup
Tonight is beef stirfry (peppers, onions etc) with egg noodles and soy sauce...I fancy throwing in some sweet/sour sauce into mine :D

Last week I made homemade chicken goujons :yay: Very tasty and nothing nasty and you could make a a burger as well.

I cut the chicken breast into strips, dipped it in flour then egg and then breadcrumbs. Then I blanched it in hot oil and cooked them in the oven...mmmmm :)

Stew is tomorrow with dumplings :D
Me, My OH and my flatmate take it in turns to cook, Last night I made Satay chicken with noodles, tonight OH made a Thai green curry (Lloyd Grossman sauce) with rice and extra veggies and who knows what flatMatt will cook tomorrow for when his friend comes to stay :D Though he hinted it may involve sweet potatoe wedges with cajun spices YUM
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we had a cheapy one last night, stirfry! then tonight it was chicken breast, curly kale and supernoodles, was gona be mash, but they were on offer in home bargains :lol: tomorrow will be leftover chicken breast and veggies for the kids, which they wont eat :wall: and probs pasta for me! then a roast chicken at some point, spag bol and maybe cottage pie!
Yum @ chicken - what do you serve with?

cook it with some cheese over it, and oh my its delicious! i serve with veg and potatoes or pasta :) a nice sauce like mushroom sauce (i cheat and buy this) is scrummy over all of it :) x
Sounds yum I get this with cheese and BBQ sauce in restaurants but always think it's one of those things you'd never perfect at home. x
I'm am so not inventive in the kitchen, it's normally something with chips or mash lol

Gonna keep coming back to this thread for ideas, I want to try that chicken and bacon with cheese, sounds yummy! Oh and the chicken goujons!
Yum @ chicken - what do you serve with?

cook it with some cheese over it, and oh my its delicious! i serve with veg and potatoes or pasta :) a nice sauce like mushroom sauce (i cheat and buy this) is scrummy over all of it :) x

I love doing chicken wrapped in bacon! For me though, it's never the same if the chickens not from the butchers! We get the chicken from butchers and its soooooo moist!!!!! With roast potatoes, veg and a mushroom and cream sauce..mmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!! I LOVE COOKING!

I cant really cook tbh !! Lol

But last night I did sweet and sour chicken with rice :)

Tonight will be our takeaway night ;)

Tomorrow will be four cheese pasta

And Friday will be homemade pizzas with mozarella sticks (Jacob makes his own pizza, which he loves doing :))
Tonight I'm having a cup a soup lol but I'm making the kids ham tuna extra mature cheesy pasta in a creamy sauce they love it and it's all home made so I know what they are getting
OOh love this thread, this weekend i'm amking chicken tikka masala from recipe book i got for christmas, and home made lasagne tonight :)

Love the sound of the chicken with bacon :)
last night it was sheppards pie, tonights its stew and tomorrow its chops, potatoes and veg :D
Awww man I'm starving and this thread has not helped! Pork chops tonight with rice n some veg.
I caved and had the pasta haha

It don't look much but it was yum!!!
I done a tuna pasta bake for tea, tomorrow its beef casserole with dumpings and veg! x
last night was homemade spag bog, tonight was lamb with minty mash, peas, carrots, parsnips and gravy and tomorrow will be tacos.

I'm doing my favourite next week though, it's OHs birthday on Monday so I'll be preparing / making some Japanese food (prawn gyoza, prawn nigiri, tuna maki, prawn and veg tempura, and teriyaki beef as well as tuna and salmon sashimi). All home made of course! It takes ages to make and just a few minutes to completely devour but it's delish :)
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