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Jul 19, 2012
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Just recently lossed a baby ... Me and my partner are so upset.... I was only 7 weeks but feels awful. We really want a baby and got our bfp after 3 months of trying.

We want to try again but dont know what way my body will react... Can you just try again?

Does anyone have any advice?

Hi cers123,
I'm really sorry to hear about your loss (). Whilst I am still new to all this, the reading I have done suggests there, Is no reason why you can't try again straight away. It looks as though the recommendation is that you wait until after your first period following a miscarriage before trying again although that is largely to allow you to obtain accurate dates for a future pregnancy. The big question has to be whether you feel emotionally ready for another pregnancy after a loss. Only you can answer that. When I spoke to the doctor at hospital last week, he actively encouraged me to try again saying that a miscarriage should not put you off trying again and that it did not mean you were any more likely to have another. Good luck with your decision and I hope you have good news again whenever you are ready. xxx
Sorry for your loss!! It doesnt matter how early when you have been pregnant and then had it snatched away its heartbreaking! Xx as Dotty said its when you feel ready is the best time.
Hi Cers123,

I'm sorry for your loss and like the ladies say I think it's very much down to how you feel personally. I suffered my loss at 7 weeks and it's a devastating thing to go through. I had my D&C just over 3 weeks ago and just waiting for AF to come back. I'd like to say that I'm patiently waiting to try again but my OH works away from home and isn't back until next week so i've no choice but to wait. I think I'll wait until after AF just so that I feel more in tune with what my body is doing. It does get easier and cheesy as it sounds, time is a great healer. Good luck with your next BFP xx
Hi Cers. Even though you were only 7 weeks, you are your partner are bound to be upset - you have still lost your baby. It is a terrible loss at any stage, and I really feel for you.

I found at at 7 weeks that we had lost ours too, but it was a fortnight before I had the ERPC, just over a week ago now. I spoke to my GP last week as I had developed a mild infection and we discussed TTC again. She said that she would certainly wait until I'd had a period as this ensures that everything from miscarriage was completely out of my body and that I would be starting afresh. Having a period would ensure that there was no womb lining remaining from my previous pregnancy. She said that there is a very slight (and she did emphasise that it was very slight) increase in likelihood of miscarriage if you don't wait to have one period before TTC again. I know there seems to be mixed opinions from doctors on this point, having read other people's posts on this and other sites, but I have decided to wait for one period before we try again - as I do understand her theory of ensuring that my body starts afresh with the next pregnancy, and after all it will only (hopefully) be a few weeks before I get my period. It's not long in the scheme of things. I also think it will give my partner and I chance to enjoy sex for the sake of it for a few weeks rather than putting pressure on us to be trying to get pregnant. It's been a difficult few weeks, and I just want us to enjoy the intimacy together again without any pressure.

Only my opinion anyway, I know other people think differently and have had successful pregnancies after miscarriage without waiting for their first period.

Good luck with whatever you decide. Sorry for your loss. x
Hi Hun, I know exactly how u feel I went to the hospital last night and was told I had also miscarried,I myself had only gone 6 weeks it's heartbreaking Hun. I'm worried aswel because I want to start TTC as soon as,but worries it'll hapen again :( xx
Hiya I'm so sorry for ur loss :-( does not matter how far u are its still a terrible thing to go through and very very sad, they say its best to wait for a cycle just so they know how far along I could be but I think it's up to u and how u feel mentally and physically, I started ttc straight away as soon as I stopped bleeding which was about 3 weeks after my mc but I didn't ovulate for about 7 weeks after, take time to heel and see how u feel after that take care and gd luck xxx
Hi guys thanks for ur responses .... I was just so confused when it happened... Its my first time being on in a while was just taken some time out from everything .... My and my partner have been talking about ttc again and we fo want to do it right away ... I think ive read so many things online my head seems like it is about to explode but i think i dont want to put too much stress on my body right away i think maybe its best to wait until i get my next period take it from there and start fresh!

I dont know about any of you but its crazy how much you can actually think about as soon as you find out your pregnant like ino me i automatically was picturing future little things with the baby.... And to have that taken away was heartbreakn.... Im so sorry to hear about all ur experiences as well its terrible how often this happens and the many women that go through it. I for one am so happy that ive had such a massive support from my partner and my family....

Heres hoping we'll all get r BFP again sooner rather than later xx
Hi Cers!

I am so sorry you have had to go through this - I just had my 2mc in Aug (first in June) and that was also at 7wks. IT HURTS LIKE HELL! Though I tried for a natural one I ended up having to have a d&c which was not as scary as I thought it would be. If there is one thing I have learnt from all this is to listen to your body and take time to recover. It will be worth it in the end.

I can promise you my hormones were all OVER the show for a couple of weeks after but now they seem to be abit calmer and I have lost that need to start ttc again. Right now I am just enjoying the time with my partner after a pretty turbulent time. Enjoy it with yours!! The time will definately come when nappies, bottles and everything else will get in the way ;-)

Be good to yourself and if you need to talk feel this is a GREAT place to do it - everyone here has helped me a HUGE amount!!

Awww 5element im so sorry to hear that :( big hugs ... I suppose your right we need to give our bodies time to recoup and suppose relax after all te stress...

I just think that this has made me more egar than ever for a baby xx

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