What's going on?


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2010
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Well, I'm now on day 29 of a 27/28 day cycle and no sign of the witch!.Usually pretty regular.Cramp has disapeared but have had a light headed/dizzy feeling since the around 9 days dpo..My boobs usually kill me before AF due but they are not sore at all!Me and OH bd'd this morn which usually brings it on but nothing.Tested on Monday (very early) and got bfn and tested again day before AF due and also got bfn.Vey confusing!
Have ordered some cheap preg tests as have spent too much on the good ones.Can't afford to waste money.Think they will come tomorrow so will test again then.
Anyone else in a similar situation or been in this situation and then got a bfp!?:wall2:
I'm in the same boat as you right now. Day 32 when my past cycles are about 29 days. I've never used the pill so it's not like things are getting back to normal. I wish I'd started charting sooner so I had an idea of whether or not I normally go this long. I always just used to predict when they'd be based on the date they started because I knew it'd be a month later.

I had a bit of cramp the other day but it's gone and I've had little twinges the past couple of days but I don't feel very crampy. I've been a bit emotional and easily annoyed which is normal for right before AF.

At the beginning of the month I did a test and AF showed up that afternoon. I had a bit of dark brown spotting (which I've never had before) for three or four days starting CD18. I did a test a day or two before AF was due and got bfn, did one this morning and got another bfn.

So annoyed because I only have one test left now. My temps have been all over the place this month, I've not checked my CM or CP and I don't have a clue what's going on.

Sorry I'm not much help, but you're not alone. :)
Tested this afternoon girls and bfn again.Think I have to face the fact its not my month....AGAIN!Feel very emotional and cramp started again so wont be long until the witch shows her very ugly face again.I hate her so much.Feel resentful and distraught that have to go through the same process yet again.Moan moan moan...thats all I do now!Good luck to you all who are still waitingxxx
Aw pam. It's awful. And easier said than done but try and stay possitive. Baby dust to you
Really hoping your AF stays away Pam X
Well:mad: I'm out girls.She got me.I was 3days late and really thought this was my month.Making docs appointment 2mor as been over a year ttc and I'm 35.Guess I'll be posting in the long term fertility section soon.Good luck to all you gals still waitin'xxx
Really sorry she got you.. your not old at 35 Pam!
Good idea to start the ball rolling with the doctors and get some info and support there -keep trying X
Aw sorry to hear that. Hopefully the doctor will be able to give you some advice.

Good luck, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you. :)
Sorry to hear that hun, its gutting everytime she shows her face isn't it,

I hope the docs can give you some advise and help you get your BFP x x x x
Sorry she got you and made you wait x

Hopefully the doc can give you some advice and you get your BFP next month xx

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