Whats best for teething??


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Isabella is on/off teething and when she is in pain, gawd dont we know it. Tried Bonjella, Ashtons & Calpol when bad. What do you use and do you think it works?
i have used
Dentinox teething gel - which was useless
Bonjela - ok but difficult to get on the gums as it just falls off.
Anbesol - liquid - quite good snd is easier to get on the gums.

COld teethers, ewan has a teething blanket which he likes to chew on.
Ah thanks, totaly agree with Bonjela. Is the Anbesol an over the counter product?
No I think it's on the shelf, we get on better with bonjela, but I have used both, anbesol comes in a tiny glass bottle.
I use Dentinox and Anbesol on finlay, both seem to do the trick - he prefers to taste the Dentinox though!
i used that calpol version of bongela. i also used to wet a muslin with cold water and let him suck and gnaw on that worked a treat!
We use Dentinox & find it works straight away. He also has the teethers you put in the fridge.
We give him Medised when its bad & that works a treat.
iv used everything but the thing that seems to work best is a cuddle and a kiss and telling him itll b ok then hes fine put him down and carry on i like calgel it works quickly
I use Calgel and Ashton and Parsons. If Arianna wont let me rub the calgel on I put a tiny bit on to her dummy.

S, cc
Ewan hated the taste of dentinox, he also hated the dentinox colic drops he used to scream blue murder so i have avoided any of the dentinox stuff ,
I was given the anbesol so dont know if its over the counter.
I've just started using nelsons natural teething granules, think they are helping and Finn loves have the powder poured in his mouth... he cries when it's all gone!!
bex said:
I've just started using nelsons natural teething granules, think they are helping and Finn loves have the powder poured in his mouth... he cries when it's all gone!!

I was just about to recommend these too, I get mine from Boots :D
Did you find the Nelsons better than Ashtons????
Hypnorm said:
Ewan hated the taste of dentinox, he also hated the dentinox colic drops he used to scream blue murder so i have avoided any of the dentinox stuff ,
I was given the anbesol so dont know if its over the counter.

Had to giggle at this Hyponorm because I gave leorah the colic drops and she was so disgusted she projectile vomited onto my mouth as if to say "here see how you like it!" :lol:
Evadel I can't comment on the other ones I've only used the nelsons ones.

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