What would you do?


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
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my fixed term contract ends in 4 weeks, when I will be 24 weeks pregnant. I am going on holiday for 2 weeks then friends are staying so I need 3 weeks off work.

My work have offered an extension of contract (doing a similar job with a different employer.) and would take me up until 4 weeks before the due date.

I had always planned to obtain maternity allowance due to the nature of my contract, and this change of contract will not affect my maternity allowance.

My problem is this - it looks like the new contract will not happen due to probs in the company. so do i?
a) stop work at 24 weeks, and collect maternity allowance from the earliest point possible (this will mean a couple of weeks with no income), so I will have mat allowance until baby is 6 months.

b) stop work at 24 weeks, go on holiday then try to temp in a new place for 8 weeks taking me up to 35/36 weeks and claim mat allowance from then until baby is 8 months.

My partner is happy for me to do either, but I am a bit concerned about starting somewhere new due to the stress plus getting big. BUT... I do like the idea of the money, plus it gives me more time with the baby and I'm concerned that I will go mad with boredom being off work for almost 4 months before the baby is due.

Sorry its so long!
I would probably take the time before TBH.

But it depends on how you're feeling during pregnancy? I got so massive over the really hot summer last year I ended up finishing 2 months before (instead of the month planned).

I really enjoyed having the time to myself before life became so busy (and My God, does it ever!! :shock: )

You can always re-asses how much time you want to spend with LO after. You'll find all sorts of imaginative ways with your money if you want to squeeze an extra month or so in.

Good Luck :hug:
not sure, i planned on working as long as poss so i could spend longer wth LO (and get more money) BUT - i'm only 27 weeks now and i'm loathed to admit it but i'm struggling. :(

I'm tired all the time and i'm seriously considering finishing a bit earlier. :think:

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