what would you do??

foxymum said:
me & my friend were walking with the kids last Thurs & found a mobile phone :shock: its a really good one Sony Ericsson 850 i.
what we gonna do with it?
we took the sim card out coz we got scared!!!
do you think we are bad?

i would hate to lose my phone, all those precious pics of Jamies first night asleep when i was too weak2 hold anythin but my phone would make me cry for days!! :cry: so luckily i put them on my computer!! :lol:
i agree with budge, not that im a bible basher but i do agree with 'do to others as u would have done to yourself' when it comes to property - might b y im such a bitch to ppl who shoplift in my store!!!! :evil:
I've had my phone nicked and lost it before and it's never been handed in, In an ideal world I would hand it in as that's what I would want someone to do if it happened to me but 9/10 that wouldn't happen now days!

Sorry to say but i'd keep it. The phone cannot be traced, the SIM can if used, if the phone is blocked it can easily be unblocked!
i found a phone before, i looked through the pics and it was a young girls about 15 i felt bad as she looked sweet so i handed it back in. it had sweet texts on it too.

but another time i found one with some geeza wana be bloke on it so i kept it :oops:

i will never forget once i lost my purse i was so upset then a few days later i got a knock at the door from some lady who looked like she didnt have much money. she gave me it said she found it. it still had £40 in it! bless i offered her money but she wouldnt take it. how nice :angel:
we found a phone once (ian had just losty his and hadnt had it returned) and ian wanted to keep it but i felt awfull and made him hand it in, (it was a good phone too) we handed it in to the police the next day and left our details, 2 days later the guy came round to our home and thanked us, Ian said no problem he knew what it was like as his phone hadnt been returned so the guy just GAVE him this phone, said as soon as he lost it he bought a new one, we offered him money for it but he refused saying our honesty was enough CHING CHING! hun do what you feel you should with it but doing the right thing can be rewarding,
I work for Orange so I know that a phone can definately be traced - even if you have taken the sim out - we can see which sim has been put into it.

Not as though that would be my reason, my reason for handing it in would be because I lost my phone and this lovely women phoned my nan from phone and i was able to go and pick it up - was so pleased as it had pics of my mam who passed away on phew!

I would hand it in to. I would like to think that someone would do that if I lost my phone, (they probably wouldn't but...) I couldn't look at the phone without feeling really guilty and imagining someone really upset.
i lost mine 2 weeks ago , wish someone woulda handed it in :( , as soon as i got it blocked tho they block the phone too now so someone would have to pay to have it unlocked before they can use it .

im still phoneless :cry:
Id look in the phonebook for 'Home' or 'Mum' and call them to say its lost. Its not nice to loose your personal phone, let alone such an expensive fone and it feels so good to get it back (if you do get it back that is).
I know its not the same, but Jaycee dropped her tigger in Primark and before it even touched the ground someone had swiped it :cry: She was so upset and i went to customer services to see if anyone handed it in, but they didnt :evil: It made me feel so bad and angry that someone had the cheek to keep my daughter's comfort toy! :shakehead:
(Not judging..again.. just my opinion)
Im supersticious, if i do something bad i know ill get something bad in return, and i dont like risking it :oops: Makes me feel good to do something good for someone else, and if i do a good deed i usually have some good luck my way :)
yeh i see what you are all saying, but my friend got rid of the sim card so we can't go through the phone for numbers & stuff, we panicked i suppose.

yes in an ideal world we would have handed it in, but my stepsons best frined had his stolen from school & this friend who found the phone with me her daughters phone was lost at the leisure centre.... no one handed in their phones.
its such a dishonest world we live in now, its hard to know what to do, like if you found some money in an envelope :think: hmmm what would you do, coz probably if we lost it, it wouldn't be handed in, or am i just a pessamist (sp!)
:rotfl: keep it love... don't worry or you could give it to the police :D
i dont know what i would do tbh.

most of the new phones that have come out can get blocked, DF's brother found ( :roll: hmm!) a brand new phone the other week, brought it home, took the sim card out and put his sim card in yet the whole phone was blocked, he thought just the sim card can be blocked but it wasnt, it was the whole phone, so thats a waste of £200 ehh?

I would hand it in, but then im like that im honest, i wouldnt like it if i lost my phone, all my pics, friends numbers, i would be worried someone would start ringing them or something, its personal isnt it your phone, mine has loads of pics of my kids and if i had a call to say it had been handed n i would be over the moon...

NOT JUDGING ANYONE THOUGH, if i didnt have kids or use my phone like i do i would probably keep it lmao :rotfl:
And if you do sell it, like you said you would.. what happens when the phone gets blocked? I know i wouldnt be happy paying alot of money for a fone and then it getting blocked..
Just a thought :)

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