funny yet sad:emotional moments(long)


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Jul 21, 2010
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So since we're all so close to our due dates:) and awaiting the arrival of not only our babies but also of our normal emotions. what was your funniest yet saddest emotional moment that you know would never have happened if it weren't for the LO in your belly?

mine goes something like this: since I already have a little girl, I wanted a little boy very very badly. DH didnt care either way. It took the OB a long time to determine the LOs sex and when he finally did, he told me it was a girl, since DH was not at that appointment,I called him at work and told him. when he got home from work, he was holding a dozen pink roses and said something really sweet like pink flowers for another pink baby. I remember giving the flowers one look, and bursting into tears while telling my DH that he didnt have to rub it in my face that we were having a girl and not the boy that I so badly wanted. Poor man was shocked into silence, had no idea what was happening.

He put the flowers in a vase, and I remeber thinking that he was the most insensitive man on the planet.

Obviously we laugh about it now

whats yours?
ya know i can honestly say i cant think of any emotional moments that have happened during this pregnancy! how rubbish is that :(

I do know that this LO has made such an impact on my life already and he's not even here yet. This pregnancy has bought my OH closer to his family (and mine) i've realised who and what is important, my view on life in general has totally changed and i am much more apprechiative of everything and everyone in my life - god im feeling a bit emotinal now :( lol xxxx
Mine was in a restaurant in the first tri. I could not decide what I wanted to eat and I ended up in tears in front of the waitress and my OH who calmly explained to the waitress that I wasn't insane, I was pregnant! Very funny now but I was distraught at the time! Lol!
I got into hysterics when my husband was making a sandwich. I was convinced he wasn't making it properly and I got myself more and more wound up by him until I was crying hysterically :lol:
niccilove, lucky you. wow, really wish this pregnancy was like that. its been a hell of a rollercoaster ride for me and helen123 lol, bet the waitress retells the story of the crazy woman who cried because she couldnt decide what to, cant stop laughing.
haha rhino, did you think it would taste different?
haha rhino, did you think it would taste different?

i have no idea what I thought, i was being completely irrational. I ended up screaming in his face as well.

Fortunately he didn't argue back and just left me sobbing, when i calmed down he came over and started laughing at me :lol:
I think my most insane moment came a few days before I found out. XD
I went to bed and my dog followed me into the room. He jumped onto my bed, like he does sometimes. I was convinced he was trying to tell me something lol. I was getting all stressed over it and ended up crying asking my dog if he was sick, as if he would answer me lol! He was fine, not acting strangely at all but I was convinced that something was wrong and he was trying to let me know. XD Crazy woman haha.
LOL, most of these stories are just my everyday life now! I got into bed last night, rolled over a few times trying to find the best spot, and then just started sobbing my heart out! Poor hubby was all upset, and kept holding me, and asking what was wrong, was I in apin, was it the LO, did I need something? And all I could do was sob and say I had no idea what was wrong!!

And a few weeks ago when he'd arranged to go out with his mates, I got into a massive hissy fit, and screamed at him that his mates were more important than our baby, and thathe was never here for me, and that I didn't know why he was bothering at all...... And it was pretty much the first time he's gone out since we got married, and the first time while I've been pregnant. Afterwards, I couldn't think what had made me feel like that, cause he's always here for me, and does loads for me and the bump....

I think the only answer really is that we ARE all crazy ladies..... But it's ok, and it gives us all something to laugh about later :D
Last Saturday DH and I went to his folks for lunch - DH is currently learning to drive and was driving us home and made a couple of small errors- I was feeling a bit on edge generally as it was raining and he hasn't driven in the rain before. I asked him if he wanted me to take over for the rest of the journey and he pulled over and told me he was disappointed that I lacked faith in his driving and that it didn't do much for his confidence ahead of his test in a few weeks time.

I really hadn't meant to upset him or dent his confidence and knew he would get us home safely so I don't know why I said it. He was a bit annoyed with me then for a couple of hours and I kept trying to make up with him but his pride was obviously a bit dented. All of a sudden I COMPLETELY LOST IT and started crying and screaming at him telling him that I was sorry and that how could he hold this against me and that I needed him at the moment and can't bear falling out with him..........oh dear! I just went completely mental and couldn't stop shaking or calm myself down. At this point he realised that I'd lost the plot and started telling me to calm down for the sake of the baby and gave me a hug and told me to forget the argument.

I don't think either of us had realised how fragile my emotions were at the moment......we do now though!!
There's one time that sticks vividly in my mind and it makes me laugh SO much just thinking about it.

Was about 24 weeks gone and hardly slept through the night and just kept myself occupied by deciding what I'd have for my breakfast the next day and was dead set on having jam on toast. I finally fell asleep at about 5am which meant I woke up after OH had gotten up. So I went downstairs, really looking forward to my jam on toast, but OH had literally just eaten the last of the bread.

And I just went off on one :') I started crying my eyes out and shouting at him and all sorts and he was just like :shock:. I've never seen anyone run to the shop as fast as he did that day :lol:
When I was pregnant I went to kfc and decided to try a new meal thing which was a burger, piece of chicken and chips and when I looks the burger was manky and had all loads of crap on it and the chicken was a big nasty thigh safe to say I started cryin my eyes out my mum and brother had no idea where to look. I still get the mik taken now about it lol whoops xx
When I was pregnant, I had LOTS of these :lol: and now for the life of me I can't bloody remember them :wall2: I will come back when I remember xx
2 weeks ago, OH and I were going out for dinner together and my bump is too big for me to put my knee high boots on anymore so he has to help me with them. I sat on the stairs at his house so that he could help but the hoover was infront of me and there wasnt much room.

He commented on me sitting in the most awkward place in the house so I slapped his hand away, told him to F Off, struggled to put my boots on and burst in to tears and didnt stop crying the whole way to dinner!!

I feel so silly for it now lol

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