What to do ??


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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At my consultant appt yesterday theyw ere concerned about my bp 156/72. I was being watched by the midwife for high bp, but it was fine at my last appt, yesterdays measurement was my highest yet though. Luckily the sample I took to my appt yest was clear of protein but I was told to come in if I was 'symptomatic'.....she didnt say symptomatic of what but I'm presuming pre-eclampsia!

She asked if I'd had any flashing lights before my eyes, which I hadn't, just the floaters and misty vision which Ive had for ages now. Well. this morning I have had my first experience of flashing lights!! They came and went very quickly, but they were definitely there! I feel woozy and was sick last night. My problem is I have no transport to hospital, Im home alone with the kids and have no cash for taxi!! Do you think I should go in somehow, or hold out for my PET blood results on Monday!?!?!?!?

Argh!! Just dont know what to do!!!!
i have a history of PET with both my pregnancies and im being watched closely this time round.
i would say to get checked out, phone your midwife (you should have her mobile number or a contact number other than the clinic number)
ask her to pop round check your bp and urine at home as u have kids and if u need 2 go into hospital maybe ask a friend or neighbour??? or someone u trust to watch your children in the meantime as PET can be very dangerous for mum and baby and it is taken seriously so you will be checked over thoroughly.
let me know what the outcome is if u decide to get yourself checked out!! good luck hunny :hug: :hug: :hug:
luv sarah.x
Thanks for the reply Sarah! I didn't go to get checked out, only have the hospital number for midwife, no other contact info, so would've had to go up which wasn't really possible.

Been ok for most of day though, just felt woozy earlier and had MAJOR pelvic pain this evening.
Hope you are feeling ok. Don't take any risks, if you are feeling bad tonight you must ring the hospital, they may be able to organise a midwife or out of hours GP to come out to you if they think it is necessary.
I hope you are feeling better soon. :hug: :hug:
i understand that as i have 2 little ones already too.
its hard because my hubby works nights and sometimes works away which means if i need to be checked out i have to wait for him to get back which isnt very good but there just isnt the option to leave the kids.

glad u have been ok 4 most of the day, lets hope its nothing to worry about.

good luck for the rest of your pregnancy!! :hug: :hug: :hug:
i forgot to say a few things in my last reply got sidetracked (pregnancy hormones)......... if u feel u need to be seen by someone tonight and u have tried phoning your out of hours midwife/maternity unit and they cant/wont get someone out to you then get an out of hours doctor to do a house call!

try your best to sit and relax, take something to ease the pain in your hips (i also have very painful hips and back) make sure you keep an eye on babys movements and if there is any sudden swelling in your face/hands/feet/legs or anything doesnt seem right then once again phone and get advice at the very least!

even if its just pregnancy niggles you will have got advice or have been checked over and will have your mind at ease and should get a bit of a better nights sleep!

take care hunny. x x x x

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