What to do ?

Elfs Mummy

Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2010
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I had the most unhelpful midwife appointment yesterday and she found

1. Baby is now head down YAy !
2. I have high blood pressure
3. i've only grown 2cm in 4 weeks

She didnt answer any of my worries about the high bp just said i need to get it checked on friday and if i have a headache or anything to go in straight away. Im more worried about the growth she has always grown at a steady rate but apparetntly only growing 2cm in a month is perfectly acceptable she also measure alot lower than normal even though baby is no where near engaged. Im so confused i spoke to someone that has 2 kids and nursing qualifications and she said that i need to go in for a growth scan etc and to be monitered as slow growth and high bp is a sign of pre eclampsia.

I really don't know what to do as im really worried now but even my sister commented on how crap the Mw i had yesterday was xx
The baby mite b measuring smaller cos it's head down,sometimes the position makes ur bump measure different,it also depends on the mw who measures u. At 34 weeks I was measuring a large 42+ weeks but at my scan at 36 weeks he was measuring just above avg xx
I'd ignore the measurements!! Charley was measuring 5 weeks behind but ended up being 8 days early and 8lb 6oz and 54cm! Imagine if I carried him to term!! They got him completly wrong cos he's a chunck!
Definitely ignore! I don't trust those charts. I was measuring perfectly due to have a 8lb baby and I ended up with 6lb 12!! I was "all baby and no water" when in fact it was the other way round.
Thanks guys, less panicy about it all now im measuring 32/33 cm which i guess is alright for now. BP check at 8.30 am tomorow think its gone down as im feeling alot better this evening xx
at my 37 week appointment i was measuring 35 and the whole way through my pregnancy ive measured small, so not too worried about that! just do as she says i guess about the bp thing, you may be ok but like she said you may have pre eclampsia and i think a head ache may confirm that. your bp was probably borderline high, because if it was really bad then she would have sent you off for more tests etc. hope that puts your mind at ease, i wouldnt worry too much about it though! x
I don't get the whole measuring the bump thing tbh.
My midwife said I was measuring 31 at 33 weeks. What the hell is that about?!?!?
Basically lealea. When they measure your bump it's meant to correspond to the amount of weeks pregnant you are. All the way through my pregnancy I have measured at least 2cms small, if not 3! But they allow for 3 cms either way I think, before they send you off for a growth scan, I've never been offered a growth scan before, so it's nothing to worry about. X
Ooooh. But if ur carrying baby in ur back n ur bump appears smaller?

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