What the fortune teller told me


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2006
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hey ladies you may remember reallyoldmum making a post about an online fortune teller. I looked at her page and decided to get one of her predictions just to see what she would say (as it only cost £3). I know its probabaly a load of bull but this is what she said:

I am seeing an 8 and have a figure that this is linked to AUGUST being find out month. It can work out to be either birth month, concieve month or the month you find out in, but find out month is what I am leaning towards.

Also going to say BOY

I know its probably just concidence but my husband and i were going to start TTC in august and i am hoping for a boy :cheer: .
She also described what his looks and personality may be, which was also sort of weird as she described my husband to a T! :D
I got one off ebay for a laugh once and she gave a general reading and you could ask 3 questions. One of mine was am I going to have more kids, she said no yet in the general reading it says good news expected, the birth of a baby boy :think:
awww icked, L*R pm me who it was id like a reading done and 3 pound sounds fandabby doo to me too
Hope she is right for you :D

Can you PM me who it was aswell please, I would like a reding done :)
Minime said:
I got one off ebay for a laugh once and she gave a general reading and you could ask 3 questions. One of mine was am I going to have more kids, she said no yet in the general reading it says good news expected, the birth of a baby boy :think:

What a con!!! Hope it didn't cost you much :shock:

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