What size birthing ball?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I've already posted this in labour & birth, but not sure that was the best place.

I've been thinking about my birthing ball as came across the other day. I only got a cheap argos one last time and it was very uncomfortable, I think this was because it was too small lol!

I've been looking online and different sites recommend different heights for me.

I'm 5ft 8 inches, some say 65cm and others 75cm, can anyone help please :)

What size did you use and how tall are you?

Thanks :) x x
I am 5 ft 6 and my ball said i need the 65cm one so i would say the biggest one for you hun x

38 weeks pregnant. Team blue!
Im 5ft 5 and i got one from decalthlon which says on the box 66-75cm and it's nice and comfy for me even though it's above the recomended height.
I have no idea, but am so glad you asked!! x
I am 5ft 5 and I got the 65cm one, so I would say the bigger one for you Hun xx

I am 5ft 6 and have a 65cm one. Our antenatal class MW said to get a 75cm anti-burst one. I think you should get the 75cm, because if you only get the smaller one, you'd have to inflate it so it's probably too firm if you want it to give you the right angle for your legs. A 75cm one will be softer on your pelvis and lady bits when you are on it IYKWIM, as I've found the 65cm a bit hard when it's inflated enough for my height. xxx
I'm 5"4 and have a 65cm on

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Thanks ladies :)

Thanks KarenC, makes sense actually, will be getting 75cm one :) x x
Where's the best place to get a birthing ball? x
Where's the best place to get a birthing ball? x

They sell them in sports shops, but you'll probably get the best price online. Amazon and some supermarkets sell them, or try eBay xxx
Sorry to ask a daft question but are gym balls just as good? I've had a Reebok one for years that I use and just thought I'd use that again now too.
Yeah, they are the same thing. The only thing that my MW was careful to stipulate was that it should be an anti-burst one, as they have heard of accidents of the balls bursting before. I don't think people have been hurt, but it's probably a nasty shock! That said, mine was a cheapy from eBay and I'm not sure if it's got anti burst or not... Just don't let your OH near it - mine keeps trying to use mine as a football... xxx

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