What should I do??? *UPDATED* (nothing exciting though lol)


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2006
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For the past week or so I've had crampy feelings in my tummy and my lower back, just like period pains but not Braxton Hicks.

Then yesterday I had alot of gooey discharge (sorry!) like snot, like people describe their mucus plug. I thought nothing of it cos I've had a bit before throughout pregnancy.

Just been to the toilet and had LOADS of it. It had no blood or anything in but was darker than normal. I've also still got an achey feeling around my bump and lower back.

Is this normal or shall I ring the midwife? I absolutely HATE going in to be monitored so I'm a bit reluctant to ring unless I have to.
hmmm, could baby Ryan be makin an early appearance??
sounds like ur plugs come away tho, id give the midwife a bell!!!
i don't know hun sorry... maybe you should just get checked out on the safe side.

He cant be coming this early!! LOL!

You're right though, I think I'd better ring. Probably have to go into hospital and get prodded and poked but at least I'll know whats happening (or whats not!) :)
Sounds like your plug hun. I know they say it can come away a few weeks b4 with some people. I'd defo ring and just see what they say. Keep us updated. :hug:
ooooo sounds like what ive just had ring mw sweetie they do say though your plug can come away 2 weeks before baby arrives( hope this doesnt mean me though) keep us posted thinking of you xxxxxxxxx
Don't worry hun. Your plug has come away but that doesn't mean labour is imminent. It's a good sign, your body is getting ready!

Take care :hug: :hug:

I would phone just to make sure a friend of mine lost hers twice in a few weeks before she actually went in to labour good luck
Well I ended up staying at home, we decided to have tea and see how I felt afterwards.

I've had a bath and stuff but I've still got an achey lower back. Keep getting little bits of mucus stuff when I wipe but not alot now.

Baby is moving loads tonight, he's never been so active!

I also feel really sick for some reason. If Im still like this tomorrow I'll be going to get checked over, all I want right now is my bed!!

Night everyone :hug:
you should def get it checked out because if it your plug LO may be open to infection. let us know how it goes. have hugs :hug: :hug:
sunshinestars said:
how are you today kirsty..

any more signs yet :hug: :hug: :hug:

Well the aches have gone and Im only getting tiny tiny amounts of mucus stuff so Im gonna ring them this afternoon and see what they say.

I'll go in to get checked over if they ask me to, at least I get to find out how he's lying and stuff cos my next midwife appointment isnt for 3 weeks! I always think the hospital treat you much better :)
Well I finally got round to ringing the hospital and I explained the pains and mucus stuff.

They just told me it was quite normal at this stage and not to worry, they said I could go in and get checked anytime I want but that they wouldnt be concerned about this unless the pains get stronger or I have other signs that labour might actually be starting.

So the good news is I dont have to go in, the bad news is that this doesnt mean Ryan is coming anytime soon :lol:
Glad you're OK hun. It's a good sign that your body is getting ready - hopefully it means you won't be going past your due date!


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