What NHS help can I get TTC aged nearly 40?


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2012
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I will be 40 in June this year and TTC since February. Does anyone know what help I may be able to get from the NHS at my age? I know the cut off point for IVF treatment is 40 (although that may not be necessary), but can I get any other support if I have trouble conceiving? I am thinking of booking an appointment to see the family planning nurse at my surgery to ask about my options. Will they agree to help me up until my 40th birthday and then tell me I have to go private? I really hope we can conceive naturally but am worried my age is against me if I do need help. Are there any other mums my age TTC, or who have had a baby that can advise me? I'm starting to panic that I've left it too late :shock: Thank you.
Hi there! I'm so sorry I don't have any advice for you but just wanted to wish you all the luck in the world for your BFP! Hopefully one of the girls will be able to advise you on this soon :hugs:
good luck and I hope it happens naturally. I don't know anyone who had a baby at 40 (sorry) the oldest I know is one of my friends, she got pregnant at 38.

I don't know if they will help you at the hospital. I think where I live (the netherlands) 42 is the oldest you can go for treatment (not sure thgh). hope it all turns out well for you. just keep in mind that all pregnancies that occur after 35 years of age have a 1/2 chance of failing :( (this has been proven statistically). but that said it is still a good chance of getti pregnant and having your baby.
A 1/2 chance of failing - that's not good. Now I'm really depressed! :-(
Hi, I had my first baby at 37 second at 39 and am ttc now at 42! Sadly I had a mc in jan, but that hasnt stopped me trying again at my age! Not sure wot help u would get on nhs, if u havnt got any children atall yet u mite b surprised and get quite alot? Def think u should see family planning nurse, wot harm can that do? Also mite get all rolling, good luck xx
Thank you for you reply MrsCow - I am thinking of booking an appointment next week just to see what my options are. I'm so sorry to hear about you mc, fx you get your BFP very soon xxx
I think regardless of your age, you won't get NHS treatment until you've been trying for around a year (two years in some cases). I'm not sure what's available but NHS won't intervene immediately when you decide to ttc xx
Even with your age I don't think u will see the fertility docs inmmediately. Unfortunately there are long long waiting lists in most areas of the uk for fertility treatment. I think u will be advised to keep ttc for 6months as you are over 35. In the mean time do everything u can to help yourself. Make sure u both are not smoking or drinking. Eat well. Take a conception vitmamin everyday, pregnacare do a joint male female pack. I would also do some research on your PCT (primary care trust) as they will set the rules about age cut offs.
Forgot to add ask for an AMH or FSH bllod test. It will give u an idea of ovarian reserve (what your eggs are like).
Thank you for all your advice ladies, you've given me some really useful info :) I know they probably won't help me straight away and there are going to be waiting lists. I've read somewhere before that if you are over 35 and have been TTC for 6 months that they recommend you go for tests etc rather than wait for over a year but I could be wrong. I have given up smoking (ive gone cold turkey lol) and my OH is on patches as he's finding it more difficult - not sure if that will go against him?? As from tomorrow I am going to re-start my diet as it has slipped a bit recently and my weight has gone up, and I will be more dedicated to going to the gym 3 x week rather than once or twice. I already eat a very healthy diet with loads of fruit, salads and veg - its just the other stuff that's not so healthy lol. I'm trying to remain positive and keep telling myself it's still early days but some days it really gets me down :-(
Forgot to add, my dad's next door neighbour is the world renowned fertility specialist Simon Fishel and he teaches simon's kids lol. Perhaps I could ask my dad to put in a good word for me!! ;-)
just wanted to add that men are still as fertile when older. a man only gets a test (if there seems nothing to be wrong) after 53! years of age so your husband should be just fine (considering he is under 53). this has to do with the fact that men don't store sperm like women store their eggs, since it is made daily the quality doesn't go bad so fast compared to eggs, good luck :)
Thanks Helen, yeah it's not fair that men can father a child till the day they die but women only have the eggs they are born with and can't produce any more to top up their supply :-(
Hi hon,

It's usually after 6 months of trying if you are over 35 that most places will start the ball rolling.

I'm 40 in May and trying again. We caught in our 5th cycle last time, although sadly that didn't end well, but there are quite a few ladies on here in their late 30's and early 40's who are pregnant with healthy bubba's or who have already delivered healthy bubba's.

I'm taking Pre conception vitamins to help, as is hubby.

Do you use opk's or chart your temp to check you are bd'ing at right time of month?

I think chatting with your fp nurse is a good idea too.

Good luck ttc.xx
I've been looking at this thread for a few days, wondering whether to post because I don't think all of what I have to say will be particularly welcome.

My understanding of these issues come from being 36 when I went to seek help about my fertility issues and the research I did prior to this.

You are right about seeking help sooner than a year. The NICE guidelines say people who have been trying for a year should be offered investigative bloods and a semen analysis, but where a woman is over 35 this should be offered sooner. It is worth reading and understanding the NICE guidelines, but be aware that these are a gold standard and not all PCTs will offer everything recommended. There would be no harm in going to your GP or FP nurse now, but the advice they are likely to give you is that documented here on smoking, alcohol, weight reduction etc. It doesn't specifically say 6 months, but that is the generally accepted interpretation of sooner.

My understanding is that you should not be denied this on the NHS, even if you are over 40. The problem is where do you go after that. If your bloods and SA are normal, the normal advice would be to go away for another 6 months at least to try further. If they are abnormal, you would be referred to a fertility specialist, but the literature is not clear what if any further investigations or treatment might be offered to a woman over 40 in your area.

The Notts County Assisted Conception Policy is the only relevant policy I could find on the Internet, which shows that you would be ineligible for stimulated procedures such as IUI and you are right, a separate document also says for IVF. But whether they will perform the rest of the investigations as necessary on the NHS or provide simple treatment such as tablets to stimulate ovulation if required is not clear. My suspicion is that they would, but you might have to go armed with a knowledge of the NICE guidelines and argue a bit.

My experience at 36/37 was that the NHS were willing to fully investigate, but when it was recommended that we needed IUI, this wasn't available (my PCT doesn't fund IUI at all) and I was already above the cut off age for IVF in my area. We went to the private sector for IUI and IVF as this was our only option over and above continuing to try naturally and hoping.

My advice to you is it is still early days and you may well fall naturally. But after the 6 months, don't delay in being investigated and seeking specialist advice. If you can afford private treatment, go get checked now.

If you want any info on my experience, please ask.

I really hope you get your BFP soon and wish you the best of luck xxx
I went to the Doctors for a Progesterone test and she told me even if it was found that I wasn't ovulating I would get zero help as I already have 3 children, she said they offer treatment to childless couples who have been trying for 2 years + first and foremost.

Even though I am TTC I think that is a great rule as those who need help the most are at the top of the list.

Good Luck xx
Wow, thank you so much for the advice and the links Little_angel, they are really helpful. I did do some searching on the Internet myself but was unsuccessful. Thank you to everyone else too for your support and advice, you're all angels xxx
Hi - I'm 42 now and still ttc for our first baby. At 40, you only need to have been trying for 6 months before you can start investigations. When I was 40 I had all the blood tests, external and internal ultrasounds and also a HSG, which is pretty much all they could do. My husband also had to do the sperm sample. Fortunately, all our tests were ok - unfortunately, it looks like pregnancy is not going to happen for me, but I would see your GP as soon as possible to start the ball rolling. All my investigations only took about six months, so go for for it and good luck!
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Thanks for your advice tract0rgirl. I'm sorry you've not been lucky getting your BFP yet. I really hope you get a positive soon. I phoned my GP surgery today and got an appointment for 2nd May to discuss my options ( if any!) xx

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