What Nappies Are You Gonna Use?


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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Anyone thinking of reusable ones? I used disposable ones with Eva and I fancy trying reusable ones this time round.

I've made a post about advise on them - because there are so many options out there!! viewtopic.php?f=16&t=111627
Well they both have about the samw impact on the enviroment as each other. One you chuck away and the other you wash wash wash wash and wash. My older sister used the re useable ones and her local hospital would bring them new ones and take the old about once a week. She still thinks they are the best thing since sliced bread but I think I'd go for disposable just so I'm a little more confident with them.
Part of me feels I should use reusable nappies but then I don't know how much of an environmental impact they have through the constant washing.
We try to be as eco friendly as possible so I don't like the idea of disposable but I think you can get biodegradable disposables so I might go for them.

All will most probably depend on how exhausted I'll be!!
I find this one so hard as we're both quite into being environmentally friendly and everything, but I just don't think it's going to be practical to go for reuseables. We live in a flat and have nowhere to hang out, no window in the bathroom so nothign dries in there unless the heating's on full blast... I refuse to ahve a tumble dryer and in any case they reckon that completlely negates the positive effects of reusing anyway, so... I looked at the laundry service but it's soooo expensive. Much as I hate to say it I think I might have to do disposables, at least to start with. I guess I could always change my mind.
It is something that would be cool if it worked out with the washing and stuff. Plus I'd like to have something a little more natural next to the babys skin.

Are they as absorbant? Would they leak?
I think you can get nappy liner you can just flush and extra absorbent inserts. I think the wrap/cover prevents leaks. To be honest I had leaks with certain brands of nappies until I found the right one.

Huggies leaked everytime with Eva's shape, Some of pampers did too - when she got a little bigger I never swerved from active fit because they were the best for her leg shape etc. So you still have to find the right ones for your baby.

I'm mainly thinking of the cost and comfort for baby. You save alot when you use reusables. Plus I don't drive and it was a nightmare if I ever ran out and I didn't feel like walking to the shops.

That's a major pro with breast feeding too - no bottles to wash (or not many) and no milk to buy. I'm gonna see how long I can last for next time.

Of course it's all a different story when baby comes and you are exhausted innit!!!

Oooo, I didn't realise you could get liners for reusable ones. Hmmm, that sounds good!

IMothercare sell reusable nappy starter pack (not that i've been looking already!!) and they're only £40.
Sorry guys, I am gatecrashing here! I have 3 children, and tbh I am way too unorganised to use reuseables. You need to think about having to remember to put a load of nappies on to wash when all you really want to do is sleep because the baby has been keeping you up all night! I don't think they are that more environmentally friendly than biodegradable disposables.

If you are a really organised person then I'm sure they will be fine for you, and I did consider them, but I know that I would be heading down to the local shop to pick up some pampers because I had forgotten to wash the nappies!
I'm planning on using reuseables - my main reasons are:
1) Cheaper in the long run
2) I live in Cornwall and we're all expected to be enviro friendly down here

Although the drying to nappies does concern me if the weather isn't very good.

For those that use reuseables, how many so I need to buy?
It's just so complicated - outers, inners, reuseable inners, disposable inners etc etc.
Can they go in the wash with my normal clothes? Or do they need to be washed seperately?

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