what is your opinions on...

I like it...reminds me of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, I was a teen fan :) xx
I'm not keen, but then I'm a complete stranger it's a personal choice! X
Maybe think about possible nicknames for this name to help you choose?
I think its fab! Im a fan of unusual names tho , my baby is called Griffin!
It's very buffy the vampire slayer
My nextdoor neighbour is called Paisley xx
Another teenage buffy fan - I think i wouldn't be so keen as the Cordelia on there was a total airhead haha.
Paisley is different, but I like it! Would have to go well with surname though I think
When I was doing Shakespeare at school I used to think I would love to have twin girls "when I grow up" called Cordelia and Ophelia. My taste in names has changed in the 15/16 years since but I still think they are both pretty.

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