What is normal period pains


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2011
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Hey ladies,

I'm driving myself mad :shock:- ever since ttc I've convinced myself I've had one thing or another - cysts, pcos, etc etc and all tests come back clear. Am now worrying I have endo due to the constant spotting and weird period pains.

The thing is I've been on the pill the whole of my adult life so no idea what normal is. I have light 2 day periods but 4 days of brown discharge/spotting before. Some months I seem to have continuous cramps, which feel worse when going to the toilet. Is this normal or could this be endo?? They aren't too painful so it doesn't affect life and I don't really need painkillers (the odd time) I can just feel they are there, And sometimes standing up or getting out of my seat can make them feel worse.

Please tell me this is all normal and I am a crazy woman. I am so worried I won't be able to conceive after all this time. What kind of pains do you ladies get xx
Completely raving mad :looped:

I don't think there is any reason to suspect endo :)

I tend to have 1 day of medium bleeding and then 3 days of heavy bleeding and then medium to light for a day or two.

I get a really sore back and the cramps make me feel nauseous and tender. I'm not crippled over or anything but they do make me feel very glum for a couple of days.

I honestly believe that some girls who've been on the pill suffer "worse" simply because they aren't used to it xx
Haha ha love you Lou :)

I know I'm bloody crazy - its the ttc'ing lark!!

Your right though after being on the pill I have no clue, although cramps are fine it's the sensation when going to the toilet and standing that made me worry. Less cramping more tightening and can feel it when I push if that makes sense.

Do you still get the cramps on the light day? I'm spotting now on day 3 and they are still lingering xx
Period pain for me is a stabbing, gripping pain that comes in waves - like contractions I suppose. When its real bad I also get rather loose bowels haha but that might just be ibs playing up. I thought my period pain wen I came off the pill was bad, was so wrong, now I've been au natural ie no pill, implant,patch etc for 5 odd years I know what real pain is! Everyone is different though, and everyone has different pain thresholds. My consultant was very interested as to whether I have clots or not in my period, anyone know what the signifigance is??
My cramps are mainly on the heavy days, but they do sometimes feel like what I imagine early contractions to feel like - coming in waves almost :oooo:

You might be extra sensitive to the light day cramps :)

The giveaway symptom of endo isn't cramps either. It's really really heavy bleeding and mid cycle spotting. It can also cause pain, but we're talking sharp relentless want to scream kind of pains.

The kind of "spotting" your describing just sounds to me like your body is still trying to figure it out :)
I get the wave cramps then the weird other sensations. I definitely don't have heavy bleeding though - quite the opposite in fact :) so that's good at least.

No screaming either ;)

The consultant did think the spotting could just be the way I am. I think it's the fear of the unknown and what if something is wrong xx
No significance regarding the the clots iibt :)

Unless they are HUGE of course, I was reading up about it recently because of my own clots and I think 5cm by 2cm is considered abnormal but anything less is fine. It is suspected to be linked to iron intake and clotting factor xx
that is HUGE!

my periods vary massively. some are just spotting, others are mega heavy, some are completely painless, others have made me actually sick with cramps in waves.

periods suck and they're sent to show us what women are capable of :lol: but I know people with endo and it has a major impact on their lives. It's not just period pains, it's inability to do anything and it's pain that stops life for a while. what you've described sounds pretty normal to be honest
Well when I was looking it up, it was after I found one that was about 5cm by 0.5-1cm - it was pretty shocking and I couldn't resist playing with it... I dunno what I was looking for, but it was in a ball at first and i had an irrational "omg, my ovary fell out!" moment :oooo:
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I would totally have a good look at it too, our bodies can be freaky! Generally mine are just on heavy days - mainly stringy bits a small pea sized blobs. Ewww! Ah I'm so glad we can share.

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