What Is Happening???


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2011
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Hi Ladies,

Here is my story so far, Im 4 weeks late today, My last AF was 28th Jan.

My bfriend & i decided to start trying to get PG in Sept so as you can imagine when i was a few days late i got excited, After several negative tests and one negative blood test i really dont know whats happening, I feel like im going to have my AF with the cramps but it doesnt show, We are going to try again in April, Am i still at high risk getting PG if i havent had my AF?

I went to see my doctor again today and she said for me to wait till end of April to go back and see her, All this waiting is driving me crazy.

Any advice would be grate!!


Are you cycles usually irregular and did you use OPKs during your cycle?

Sorry I can't help much but hope you get your AF soon. There is nothing more frustrating. Fx for you.

Hi hun
Sorry you are in a state of confusion at the moment :eh:
As we always say here you aren't out til the :witch: gets you but with blood tests ruling it out.....
I would carry on with the baby making as usual until you know where you are with things xx
Hiya, is there anything going on with you mentally or physically? Like are you under an unusual amount of stress or are you crash dieting or anything? These things can throw AF out of whack. Just a suggestion x
Hey hun, sorry ur feeling confused.com but I know exactly how you feel. Hav you had any light spotting at all that cud have been classed as af and now you may be due again?
I have really irregular and long cycles as well, although I started taking agnus castus this month which seems to have helped.
I would say keep on trying... because you dont know when ur af is goin to arrive, u may not have ov'd yet! So, ur still in :)
Best of luck
Hi Girls,

Thanks for your comments.

My cycles have always been like clockwork on (or round about) 28th of each month, I wasn’t using OPK's (wish I had of been now).

A few people have asked if I’m stressed but everything is fine, and my diet is healthy and normal.

I just want my AF to show than i know where i am, We are going to try again in April and hopefully get a BFP. Hopefully i haven’t Ov'd and im still in with a good chance.


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