What is going on???!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2007
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The last week I've been getting heartburn, which I never ever get! Bit more burping than usual too.
I've been peeing a hell of a lot too.

This morning I woke up, went to the loo and noticed some spots of blood in my knickers :? Then more when I wiped. It was reddy/brown in colour, not a huge amount, but enough...
I've got terrible backache and stomach cramps, just like when I have my period.

My last period was on the 20th August, so I'm nowhere near getting it this month already!
The last time I had sex was the 22nd August (but it wasn't vaginal sex), which leaves me very confused! The last time before that would of been around the 5th August.

Any suggestions on what the hell is going on?!
i guess you havnt taken a pregnancy test? if u had sex on the fifth then u would get a positive by now so i suggest get a test done. lots of luck x
I haven't taken one recently, no.

I took one just before AF, which was the 20th August, and I did have a very faint pos. But then AF arrived, so kinda disregarded it.

Only prob is, everytime I go to the loo at the mo it's bloody, so can't really do a pg test. Or can I?
not sure bout that one.
i didnt realise u were on your period, in that case the symptoms u described could just be bad period symptoms.

but if u still worried wait till af stops then do a test.
I'm not on my period?! My period was the 20th August.

Now I'm having bleeding about 12 days after my AF. It's got heavier too, not really heavy but more than before. I've also got all the AF symptoms, backache, headache, belly ache...

I'm so confused. What is this bleeding?
The symptoms you described eg heartburn, burping alot were my main symptoms..what was your last period like? Normal? And whats the bleeding like now?
The burping is worse than the heartburn, I'm also really tired, but some nights just cant sleep. I feel bloated too, and a couple of my clothes are feeling tighter than normal.

My last period, and the one before were both lighter and shorter than normal, but more than spotting. My last period also started a week early too.

The bleeding I'm having now started just with spotting dark brown, today it has got a little heavier, but not enough to change ST.
It feels like I'm leaking, but when I go to the loo, there is hardly anything there.

I really dont know what to think. I had one very faint pos just before AF, but the last tests I did at the weekend have been negative.
If you had negative tests at the weekend then it doesn't sound like your PG :( I really don't know what to suggest, the bleeding you're having now seems too early to be a IB, I really don't know??
I'd try again in a few days but I agree, it sounds unlikely you're pregnant but the body is a funny thing so you never know! :)
Well the bleeding has tapered off towards the end of the day, and is hardly anything now.

So I had 2 days spotting and 1.5 days of very light bleeding.

I am going to try another hpt at the weekend. It will be interesting to see if my period arrives on the 20th as it's supposed to.

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