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What is going on with me? Please help


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2007
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Hi Girls

I'm feeling so very low today, keep getting really teary as this is getting so frustrating.

I bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor straight after i m/c as i knew i couldn't face the idea of it taking another year to conceive.

I waited till my second AF to start using it so i pressed the button on Feb 13th and set this as day 1.

It then didn't ask me to poas until day 9, the machine then went straight to HIGH and has remained HIGH for 13 days.

Also most of last week i had lots of cervical mucas ranging from watery to egg white (sorry if tmi) but since yesterday nothing, its all gone but CBFM still saying HIGH.

So could the machine have missed my PEAK or perhaps i just didn't ovulate at all. That scares me more so :cry:

Thought this machine was gonna be the answer to my prayers but now i'm even more down.
I have no expereince of using the CBFM but just wanted to give you a hug :hug: you're always so kind and supportive to everyone on here.

Hopefully someone with experience of using them can come along and help. I'm sure Kitty uses one.
CB23 said:
I have no expereince of using the CBFM but just wanted to give you a hug :hug: you're always so kind and supportive to everyone on here.

Hopefully someone with experience of using them can come along and help. I'm sure Kitty uses one.

Thank you so much Claire :hug: . I so need a hug at the minute. xxxx
I dont have any experience either hun i never used them.

have these though
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hey, thought i would post as i'm into my 2nd cycle of using it. The first cycle, it asked me to start testing as of day 6 and i didn't ov till day 17 at which point it jumped straight from low to peak for 2 days and then 1 day of high and kept asking me to test but i figured, i've had my peak, not gonna waste more sticks. Well, that cycle i got preg but lost it almost straight away and so am trying again this cycle. So far been testing since day 10 (now CD12) and just waiting. Have you checked in the manual? if i remember correctly, the machine goes to high before you Ov because of an oestrogen rise prior to LH surge giving you extra fertile days (although it's not always detected), and also, we don't always Ov, so you might have a had a Oestrogen rise but no LH surge, thereby affecting your CM for an extended period and these 2 things driving you crazy! Just a theory. I'd say tho (and i hope you get your BFP this month so not having to check this) if you have the same problem with the machine next cycle, then maybe exchange it or check that it's not faulty.If it's not that, then maybe have a word with docs and see what they think is going on. Sorry for the ramble, bit of a tendency of mine :rotfl: Hope you figure this out :hug:
Hi Hun

Thanks for replying and i'm so sorry about your loss.

I guess i'll just have to stick with it till next AF shows up and see what sort of pattern shows up next cycle.

I do have quite long cycles but i'm just confused as to why i was having EWCM last week and nothing this week but still no ov detected. :roll:

Also its weird how my very first stick changed to a high (not had a low only when had af) and has stayed there since.

I just feel so useless at the min, first it took us 12 months to conceive, then i lost baby after 11 weeks and now i cant even ovulate to at least give me and OH some hope :cry:

awwe hun, i'm sorry for you too! our bodies are strange things and also, having a m/c esp after so many weeks can affect when you ov. Have you looked into herbal things such as agnus castus (vitex) or dong quoi (i think that's how it's spelt!?) to help with Ov and your cycle, dong quoi is supposed to be really good at helping to Ov and then vitex is supposed to be really good at mainting cycles, thereby aiding in conception. Obviously doesn't work for everyone but then isn't that a rule of thumb for everything?! hope this helps :hug:
Hi, im on my second month of using this machine, heres what happened to me:-

1st month - set the monitor for the first day of my period. On day 7 it asked me to test and i did so. I was then required to test until CD 14 when it showed full ovulation (3 bars) I would have thought that it would have gone from low to high and then maximum but it didnt) The OV stayed there for 2 days and then went straight back to low.

2nd month - I was asked to test on CD10 and this was low until CD 15 when it rose to high. The next day I tested and it was Full OV and stayed like that for the next day as well. The following day it dropped to just high and then the day after that it was back to low (after i ovulated) It seems to be working perfectly for me and im really confused as to why it has stuck on high for all this period of time. Im confused chick! Sorry i cant be of more help x
:hug: :hug: :hug: Glittergirl.. sorry i'm clueless when it comes to all this,
but i couldnt pass your post without given you some massive cuddles...

hope your ok babe xxxxxx

This last month you may have seen posts from me saying 'why havent i ovulated'

I did opk's everyday for about week, and didnt get one positive back..
And look i got my BFP.. so i must have missed it??
Good luck babe xxx
Thanks Sammy - I have no idea whats going on either. The only reading i've ever had is HIGH. Even this morning its still saying HIGH. I've no CM at all but its still saying i could possibly be fertile? Hmm strange :think:
Thank you for replying and baby dust to you xxxxx :hug:

Charlotte - Aww babe thanks for the Hugs. Ah why is making a baby so difficult? :cry: Its not like we haven't put the effort in as far as BD'ing goes, OH in his element at the min lol.
I was so so happy when you got your BFP and i never realised that you didn't get a positive on an OPK. That gives me some hope that it could still happen for us but like every other month i've decided to not go crazy thinking about it. OH telling me i'm starting to stress too much over it now and perhaps he's right. Hope your doing ok hun and stay in touch

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxxxx
cant offer any help sorry hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
hope it all settles soon for you xxxxxxxxxxx
I would suggest taking the batteries out and replacing them and then starting another cycle at the start of your next period and if the monitor reads the same then take it back and report it as faulty as this is not working properly for some reason honey. Or maybe even try starting it in in the middle of your cycle just to see if the readings are still the same. Something is not right there and I dont think its your fault. Sounds like the monitor is duff to me. Either that or the test sticks... let me know how you get on. good luck xxx

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