What I really want


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2011
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is a medium rare steak, a glass or two of red wine and a cheese platter after that with bri and blue cheese on it (and some vintage port please!)

Oh and a cup of coffee.......

What food do you miss the most?
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i miss wine and i all of a sudden fancy prawns but i dont think we can have them? i been told to cut on the sugar so i going to miss sweets and stuff :(
I had prawns, I think we are not allowed raw prawns but then why would you eat raw prawns anyway?
I cant drink any alcohol or caffeine, not even normal tea (
i miss brie so much and wine! and magners, nom nom nom, i could eat everything im not allowed to!
Coca cola I could drink gallons of the stuff, and mojito's!!!!!!
i drink so much fanta at the moment. so nice
prawns are the ones u buy at a local buttie shop cooked?
well im not missing anything really....as Im eating most things lol and I didnt drink anyway so no alcohol is no problem for me lol

You can still have steak, even rare, provided it is cooked on the outside to kill any bugs :)

Prawns/fish/shellfish etc you are only warned about because you could get food poisoning if they are a bit iffy which would be a right bugger while pregnant as well.....but if you buy from decent places, buy fresh and cook yourself etc theres no reason not to have it (obviously avoide shark/marlin completely because of the mercury tho :) )

brie/camembert etc - you can get pastuerised ones (tesco def do camembert one and apparently m and s do one too) so they are safe :) and you can have normal provided its cooked thorughly (mmmmm)

caffeine - yes you need to cut down as much as poss....but if you really fancy a cup of coffee or a glass of coke then go for it you will feel much better for it :D

oh and if you fancy the taste of wine/beer you can get non alcohol versions in most supermarkets, so why not give them a try.....but a bit like the caffeine thing if you really want a bit then have a bit

The way I see it is people have gone for hundreds of years having babies without even thinking about what they eat or do while pregnant, yes there is more knowledge now and you should listen to the advice given, but I think people make things extra scary and worry people

Most of the foods they 'warn' you about are actually to do with food poisoning rather than having any effect on baby so as long as you eat sensibly you will be fine (so no bargain prawns from the back of someones car lol)

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