What have you done

Amanda W

Well-Known Member
Jun 6, 2010
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What has everyone done today? Ill go first

woke up at 8am because was my fellas stayed overnight was home for 9am and fell asleep till 1pm lol had my breakfast lol went on computer then decided to take dogs for a nice long 3hour walk iam now home shattered also took my camera out with me because its been very nice here today.

If you would like to see what pics i took just let me know :wave:

So what eles has everyone done today?
I got up at 7am, had breakfast and put a load of washing on. Made DD's breakfast at 8am and did my ironing. Walked to school at 8.30 and then round the lake, getting home for 9.15. I hung the washing out and put another load in, cleaned the wooden floors and hoovered the lounge. Crashed out on my bed for an hour 12-1, woke up and had a bowl of cereal. Brought dry washing in and hung second load out. Put ironing away. Waited for OH to get home and we set off for school at 2.40. Walked around the lake after school, fed the ducks and swans and have chilled out since then doing bugger all.

Oh, got annoyed by the cat who wouldn't stop following me around the house meowing at me and who also insisted on getting IN bed with me!

OH is making dinner now but I don't want what they're having so I'm sulking! Lol!
Oh also repacked baby bag and swapped some sleepsuits! Lol!
Baby slept right up until 5am today so I had a really good sleep :yay: He went back to bed after his feed so he slept until quarter to 9!! A lie in! woohoo!

We got up and I fed and dressed him showered and dressed myself and we went to the doctors to have my blood pressure checked. Preeclampsia is officially gone, I have normal blood pressure again! We came home, I had breakfast and we played on his play mat for about an hour, I came on here and he napped on the mat (I didnt see the point in moving him!) The healthvisitor came at 2pm and sorted out his first injections appointment :( then we had another little play and he's been grumpy and sleeping for power naps ever since. I got some laundry done and changed the bedding and cleaned the kitchen. Hes just woken up (again) so Im off to sort that out now. half an hour til OH gets home, HURRY UP!
I got up at half 9 and ha a shower and got dressed. Liv woke ups at 10 had had her breakfast, got her up and dressed and then we went shopping. My mum got home from work and I went to get my nails done for tomorrow (having some professional photos taken as we have 4 generations now) and got home and just been relaxing with my mini me who is now asleep on me and I'm watching tv :D x

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Can we see piccies?

We havent done a lot today.
I got me and AJ up and dressed. Breakfast and bags packed for the day, changing and swimming. Put the washing on. Went swimming. Met Mam, went food essentials shopping, home with mam for lunch. This afternoon has been a lazy one :) With both AJ and OH in bed napping.
Popped mine and AJ's tea in the oven and I'm now off to wake him up from his late nap (he's got eye teeth coming through) I'll also run his bath :)
this is morgan today after our trip to the doctors


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Got up about 7, went to work and had some breakfast there. Had a team meeting, then did some course work with some of the pupils.

At lunch time left to go for my diabetes appointment and spent all afternoon at the hospital getting stuff sorted.

Popped to the shops, and now I'm having some sleepy time on the sofa watching friends while OH is making dinner.

Pretty boring day all in all - Friday tomorrow though!!
Oh my god tiny he is so adorable! Xx

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I got woken up at 5am by zander and gotnup at quarter to 7. Got the kids breakfast and cleaned the kitchen. Went to mw appt at 8.55 and she didn't turn up till 9:45!!!!! Just haste health visitor look at me
And said I had to wait! Then picked mil an fil up after and they came to area for a bit (house was a state from breakfast) took DD to school dropped mil and fil to sil and went and did shopping had to get LO a coat and DD some school shirts and some hair clips omfg looked at the bill and almost passed out!!!! Picked DD up from school - Expensive things children :rotfl: LO is ded chuffed with his coat and DD likes her things too so that made me happy got home cleaned a bit bro rang me and was on the phone for a while then did kids dinner lasagne took LO to bed cooked my dinner an hubbys - ate dinner made a harvest basket/bag with Bella for school and tomorow were sticking leaves on it lol!! And got her to bed DH tired so went to bed :bd: has is now asleep and I'm still awake and on iPhone playing games and Internet lol xx

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^^^ good grief!!!! I was under enforced 'rest' at your stage. It really annoyed me but sounds like you really need it!
:rotfl: that was a slow day lol I will report back with today at the end of the day lol I have another slow day planned lol!!

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Today I woke up at 5:30 went down stairs at 8 lol!! (lazy I know) cleaned the lounge - got LO and DD fed and dressed walked to them with doctors, got antibiotics for LO as he has chest infection - hope I'm not getting it as I feel "heavy chested" joy! Lol then walked down to and across from nursery chatted to some friends. DD fell over coz she got scared of a car awe!!!! My poor baby but she was ok just rushing. Then took DD back across to nursery (still walking lol) and then walked home haha!! Wanted to collapse on settee but LO was hungry and I needed a wee so got him some raisins and i had a wee (ahhhh) hahahaha! Put away push chair got LO some lunch and drink cleaned the cinema room cleaned the kitchen scoffed some raisins and a banana lol then LO wanted chee and may-on-ase mammy!! Lol!! So did and sandwich and re cleaned the kitchen (nicked half that sandwich haha) finally sat down for about 20mins then cleaned the lounge did the laundry and sorted the dishes and went and got DD then nipped to tesco and got some toilet roll ect... Got back and cooked the dinner from scratch nice mmmm minted lamb shanks mash and veg! Nom! Xx re cleaned the kitchen lol!! :wall2: cleaned the lounge took LO to bed cleaned the play room. Took DD to bed fed the cat haha (yes even that felt like a chore today! Haha) and have just sat down just!!!!!! Lol!!!! I'm so achey!!! Xx

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Ill add some pics soon because at the moment our uploader isnt working
Today I woke up at 5:30 went down stairs at 8 lol!! (lazy I know) cleaned the lounge - got LO and DD fed and dressed walked to them with doctors, got antibiotics for LO as he has chest infection - hope I'm not getting it as I feel "heavy chested" joy! Lol then walked down to and across from nursery chatted to some friends. DD fell over coz she got scared of a car awe!!!! My poor baby but she was ok just rushing. Then took DD back across to nursery (still walking lol) and then walked home haha!! Wanted to collapse on settee but LO was hungry and I needed a wee so got him some raisins and i had a wee (ahhhh) hahahaha! Put away push chair got LO some lunch and drink cleaned the cinema room cleaned the kitchen scoffed some raisins and a banana lol then LO wanted chee and may-on-ase mammy!! Lol!! So did and sandwich and re cleaned the kitchen (nicked half that sandwich haha) finally sat down for about 20mins then cleaned the lounge did the laundry and sorted the dishes and went and got DD then nipped to tesco and got some toilet roll ect... Got back and cooked the dinner from scratch nice mmmm minted lamb shanks mash and veg! Nom! Xx re cleaned the kitchen lol!! :wall2: cleaned the lounge took LO to bed cleaned the play room. Took DD to bed fed the cat haha (yes even that felt like a chore today! Haha) and have just sat down just!!!!!! Lol!!!! I'm so achey!!! Xx

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:shock: on a scale of 1-10 how swollen were your ankles after this?!?

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