What has everybody enjoyed during pregnancy?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2010
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I've been guilty of having a good moan about little niggles while I have been pregnant but I thought I would share what I have enjoyed about pregnancy.

I quite like having a big round bump that I can rest my hands on (I just like looking pregnant!). I love how caring my OH has been as he is always making sure I don't do too much and tells me off if I do certain jobs. Also, I like feeling him kicking and moving about as I know he is safe and sound.

They are just a few things that I have liked about being pregnant. What has everybody else enjoyed about being pregnant? xx
Ive enjoyed being waited on by the hubby :D who thinks you cant do anything whilst pregnant.. has been a nice break lol..

Ive loved my bump I will really miss it, even if it does make lots of things awkward :D And Ive loved feeling lil one move as long as he stays away from my ribs :D
I think most of the OH's on here have been really good to us. xx
I must be odd! I have loved very little about being pregnant, just how quickly the time has went past. Bring on the exercise and skinny clothes again for the summer!

My husband has been fab all the way through but is fab always anyway. I got a good one, I really appreciate him.
I must be odd! I have loved very little about being pregnant, just how quickly the time has went past. Bring on the exercise and skinny clothes again for the summer!

My husband has been fab all the way through but is fab always anyway. I got a good one, I really appreciate him.

I'm the same, there isn't much I've enjoyed, can't wait to get back into excercise and my old clothes.

I have enjoyed my other half blowing rasberries on my stomach for the baby though.. :lol: he is strange eh.. haha. I have got a good one too :). even if he does leave car parts in the living room, gearboxes in the green house and it looks like a scrap yard on our drive way!..:shock:
I've loved the friends I've.made here.
I've.enjoyed.the moments its been me.and.bump and he moves and only I know.
I loved feeling the first kick.
I have also loved.my dh this pg with dd I was a walking pmt machine this time we have been wicked and he has been really good. Lots and lots of laughs x x
I've enjoyed most things, i know this will be my last pregnancy and i love being pregnant, I love the way people go out their way to ask you how you are and it makes me feel special.and love having a bump. Hubby has been good too especially as he only ever wanted 1 child hehe men you can twist them round your little finger sometimes lol. I have had full english breakfast cooked for me last few days as he is on his paternity leave because we thought baby was going to be here thursday and now he wont leave my side incase i go into labour lol.
I must be odd! I have loved very little about being pregnant, just how quickly the time has went past. Bring on the exercise and skinny clothes again for the summer!

My husband has been fab all the way through but is fab always anyway. I got a good one, I really appreciate him.

I'm the same, there isn't much I've enjoyed, can't wait to get back into excercise and my old clothes.

I have enjoyed my other half blowing rasberries on my stomach for the baby though.. :lol: he is strange eh.. haha. I have got a good one too :). even if he does leave car parts in the living room, gearboxes in the green house and it looks like a scrap yard on our drive way!..:shock:

Haha I'm same if I have to see another crank shaft or gear box or pair of muddy boots in my kitchen I could kill him, but in gen he's been good

I'm enjoying just being pregnant it's soo hard with already havin a 2 year old but it's an amazin journey n I no once it's over that's it, as this is my last, x
I love having a bump and feeling her moving around

Loved sharing my journey on here and sharing some of your journeys

Have loved my scans and the 4D scan when i found out I'm having a girl

My pregnancy has brought my mum and I alot closer and thats been amazing!

I've loved preparing everything for her arriving

And even if I've had a few moans I really have enjoyed being pregnant (most) of the time :)
I love my bump!

My OH is always lovely so no change there :) but I do love the way he talks to the baby, he still thinks he can hear him best through my belly button even though it's almost flat! lol And why does he think he has to talk to him like Darth Vader?! Very strange! :lol:

I love feeling my boy moving around, even though lately it feels like he's rummaging through my organs! :eh:

I love chatting on here and knowing that most of what we go through happens to all of us at some point so there's always someone around too calm your nerves if you're worried.

Oooo and i've loved shopping for baby clothes! :)

Oh and i'm loving that my OH has finally started baby's bedroom, even if he has smashed the hell out of one of the walls and ripped up some floor boards!! :shock::lol: It's going to look beautiful when it's finished! :)

I've loved the attention you get from everyone and how they think of you.

I've loved shopping for my little mans things, makes a change to buy things in blue instead of pink!

Me and hubby were going through a rough patch just before I got pregnant, but it's brought us a lot closer together for which I'm grateful.
I have loved having a bump and people smiling at you. I have loved people giving up their seat on the tube for me, and loved also the little feeling of embarassment that comes with it.

I have loved hubby kissing my tummy and rubbing it and telling us both 'bye-bye' or 'hello.'

I love feeling the little movements and the way everyone at work is really sweet and calls me mama already!

I do NOT like the fact my boss just told me I'd gotten quite fat ("especially on the arms and butt" - unquote) and she reckoned I had 4 stone to lose afterwards! The bloody nerve!!!
Being waited on by OH & feeling her move :) x
I love my bump!

My OH is always lovely so no change there :) but I do love the way he talks to the baby, he still thinks he can hear him best through my belly button even though it's almost flat! lol And why does he think he has to talk to him like Darth Vader?! Very strange! :lol:

I love feeling my boy moving around, even though lately it feels like he's rummaging through my organs! :eh:

I love chatting on here and knowing that most of what we go through happens to all of us at some point so there's always someone around too calm your nerves if you're worried.

Oooo and i've loved shopping for baby clothes! :)

Oh and i'm loving that my OH has finally started baby's bedroom, even if he has smashed the hell out of one of the walls and ripped up some floor boards!! :shock::lol: It's going to look beautiful when it's finished! :)


I love how you say it feels like he's rummaging through your organs. It does kind of feel like that lol!! xx
I really have loved being pregnant and I know I am going to miss it when he's here! Oh my God how I have moaned and whinged about heartburn, not sleeping, SPD pain.....but I the positives outweigh the negatives for sure!

I love feeling my boy kick and punch and wriggle and how he jumps about after I've eaten like he is happy he's had some food :)

I love how special and priviledged you feel to be carrying something so precious and how most people treat you so much nicer!

I love the feeling of excitement which has been building over time, to the point now where I can't believe he is almost here!

I love it when my DH talks about being a daddy and when he leaves for London he talks to my bump and tells baby to be a good boy and look after his mummy.

I love that since I've been pregnant I've never felt alone because there is always me and my little man together :)

I've loved being on maternity leave and being able to sleep whenever I want and eat whatever I want without feeling guilty!

I've loved all the support on here and the special friends I've made...you know who you are :)
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i have had the easiest pregnancy i know of any friends or family and will defo miss it when he is here.

love feeling him kick and move around. i always say moring baby boy and he gives me a little kick like he is saying morning mummy.

love watching my belly move around. its amazing. much more entertaining than tv.

loved speaking to all of you and hope we will all carry on when babies are here.

oh again has been great. always says night babies or love you babies. its taken alot for him to get used to the idea as i think he told himself he was at the age now that he would never have kids and now he wants another one quite soon after little man is here. lol. although again if i have to put up with anymore of his junk in the house i will beat him with it.

i just love all of it.

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