What happens next then.....


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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.....its been a while!

So Ive rang my GP as she wanted to see me the week I got pregnant to rearrange my MS meds etc so Im seeing her on Friday, presumable will be referred to mw.

Shes also said I will prob be under consultan care from the start....but what happens at the MW appointment etc?

Its been over 16years since I did this! lol xx
My first MW appointment was a pre-booking, so she gave me lots of forms to fill in to bring back at the booking appointment.

She also decided I needed obstetrician care so organised that, and they also booked my 12 week scan at this appointment too.

It was quite quick, about 10 -15 mins in total.
It depends on were u live,I saw mw at 9 weeks and it was an hour long appt where she took bloods,weighed and measured me then talked about medical history and previous pregnancies and gave me chance to ask any questions. Theyl also refer u 4 a scan. Xxxx
I'll let you know after my midwife appointment tomorrow :)
Your doc might refere you straight to the consultant, mine did. I seen him before I even seen the MW! He booked me in and did a scan at 8 weeks. It all depends on your doc and where you live I guess xx
So I am back from my first midwife appt.

She asked a load of questions, checked my height and weight and blood pressure. Took some blood for blood tests. Booked my 16 week appt and gave me notes and a bounty pack. Asked if I had any questions and that was it really. Oh and I had to pee in pot, lol. All in all it was over with in about 45mins.
Ohh pretty straight forward then MRSB....how far along are you?

Ooooh whats the bounty pack? Chocolate?? lol Ha ha!! xxx
Yep yep. I am 10+5 today.

I wish it was chocolate! It is a massive folder full of info leaflets, magazines and a big pregnancy book. There appear to be some leaflets to fill out and exchange for samples packs. It will keep me amused for a while I am sure.
Ah fab! Oh will have to buy my own chocloate then! lol

Ohhh sounds interesting tho! Cant wait!

So once I go to Drs on Fri...is it her that books me appt for MW to have booking in appointment session thing?

God I sound so Dohhh its def been a while! lol xx
Hahaha, shame that isnt it,

Here to go the bounty pack

Yep the Dr should send off your referral to the midwife of which ever hospital you chose. Mine was done at the EPAC as I that is hospital I chose. The Dr did follow it up after my scan result was sent to the Drs surgery to send off the referral, but I already had my appointment.

Dont worry, I didnt have a clue about any of it as this is my 1st.
Ah fab thanks MrsB will have a look at the link!

Ah man I feel such an oldie as I bet its all changed from when I had dd 16 years ago! lol

Ohhh cant wait! lol xxx

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