What gets your baby moving?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2009
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I got a 4D scan booked for when im 28+2 (3weeks) they have told my OH to get me to eat a sugary breakfast as this usually gets baby hyper and moving more. But my son doesnt seem to be bothered by sugar, he seems more active when i dont eat then when i do :shakehead:

So was just wondering what gets your baby to move? x
I've heard a glass of cold water gets them moving. Maybe a bar of chocolate too?

Good luck with your scan, you'll have to post pics!
I will post pics after :) as we are getting a cd with the pics on :) Thanks x
I would suggest a very cold drink too? good luck, looking forward to seeing your pics! :)
Thanks, Maybe ill try a cold coke or something on the way there lol. i need him to be active but i need him to not move too much so they can do the right measurements for his growth scan they are doing with it lol. x
Wow, I really want a 4d scan but I had one at 16 weeks to find out the sex and just to see him as I was so excited and hubby says we can't afford another :( I always find a really cold drink works too x
Wow, I really want a 4d scan but I had one at 16 weeks to find out the sex and just to see him as I was so excited and hubby says we can't afford another :( I always find a really cold drink works too x
i wanted 1 between 16 and 20 but then i decided it was better to wait and then we did think about not having one but i just really want to see him and double check that he is deff a boy and also its the day after my GTT test so it gives me something to look forward to :) just dont know if to take my daughter with me or not as they have told me we will be in there about an hour and i no my daughter gets bored after 5mins, even at my 20wk scan she was more intrested in telling my OH about the other chair then seeing her brother on the screen lol x
Aw, how exciting!! :yay: Maybe your daughter would be happy enough just to see the pics and keep the actual scan for you and OH. My OH asked last night "no more scans coming up?", unfortunately not for us! I've not noticed a particular type of food, but bubs is usually more active after I've had dinner and when I lie down, my OH can get him/her moving by rubbing down the right side of my tummy which is where baby's back is!
Hope bubs behaves for you, can't wait to see the pics!! :)
Aww, i dont know how baby is laying anymore as i get kicks/punches everywhere lol, same here my baby moves more when im laying down on my back and usually stops moving when i lay on my sides but last night i woke up and i was on my side and he was kicking me lol. X
Oh I can't lie on my back :( but that's good as bubs will start having a wee party in there as soon as you lay down for the scan :yay:
I got a 4D scan booked for when im 28+2 (3weeks) they have told my OH to get me to eat a sugary breakfast as this usually gets baby hyper and moving more. But my son doesnt seem to be bothered by sugar, he seems more active when i dont eat then when i do :shakehead:

So was just wondering what gets your baby to move? x

i was also told this when i had a 4d scan with my little girl when i got there the scan lady told me most of the time the babies are facing your back what would not give you a good picture so she said they tell you to drink a sugary drink as the sweet taste go,s into your waters and the baby turns around to drink it, dunno if thats ture but that what she told me lol cant wait to see a pic
Iv not heard that one before lol thing is the only sugary thing i like atm is the sour sweets lol iv gone more sour and savory then sweet lol x
My bubba tends to move when I first get up in the morning and whilst im having breakfast, and last thing at night, anything in the middle then is just completely random =D
very cold drink makes me little man go crazy and also try some coke as that has alot of sugar init so hopefully your little un will be active not much you can do if bubs still isnt active as you could wait little un up which is when i had mine done little man had his hands and feet over the top of his head and kept shying away because he was that comftable lolxx
wwwooooo!exciting ive got mine in the morning as was wondering the same thing. thanks 4 the thread x
Good luck, it will be amazing! I find that fruit tend to make baby move alot especially strawberries which I am eating by the bucket load!
I drank about 2 pints of ICE cold water when I went for my 20 weeks scan - baby went nuts! Moved WAY too much, all my photos I got were pretty blurred too! lol! Hope scan goes ok! I've got mine next Sat (15th) cant wait! x
I'll be having a coke just before - usually sets bubs off, oooh and maybe a bar of choccy as back up!
Good luck, looking forward to seeing pics. My freind was teling me today that the likeness is uncanny. She had one at 28 weeks and then gave birth at 30. Her bubs is doing well and out of hospital although techniquely he is still 6 weeks early! She says looking at the pictures is strange because they are identical (which i guess they would be) so exciting to see babes features etc before its born. Enjoy x

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