what dont u miss about being pg?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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One thing i really dont miss about being pg is all the heartburn, mines was so bad i was drinking 500ml of gaviscon a week, got to the point i was ringing the doctors and they already had my prescription ready :lol:
i was eaven drinking it from the bottle....lol
thank god i didnt have to pay for it though would have blooming cost a fortune
The pain in my ribs. My god is used to be unbearable at night on the sofa, could never get comfy!
Needing a wee every hour of the day and night :evil:
i need a wee every hour anyway...lol im so small i must have a tinny bladder lets face it i wearage 11 clothes so maybe my body is just like a childs....lol
wen i was pregnant in the last 10 weeks i drank 8 or more leatres in24 so was runing to the loo every 5 mins!
and also i had high BP in the last 2 weeks so had to stay at home :cry:
I don't miss the back aches or spd. Still got them now actually but nowhere near as bad.
don't miss heartburn or needing a full sized bed to turn around at night...
are you really that small jean? i'm quite tall, i'm starting to think thismeeting is going to be very funny! let's plan... :D
Im pg just now but I wont miss...
not sleeping
sleeping at weird times
sleeping in weird positions
not being able to cuddle dh properly, i actually do mean cuddle
peeing all the time
crying all the time
not being able to chase jess around, she is exploiting this to the max
not being able to go out for a walk without feeling like i have done the marathon.

But i will miss having baby so close and jess putting her feet on my bump when im changing her. She never hurts me just rests them there. Her own personal footstool.
Do not miss...

my bad back (sacro-whatever it's called)
my very fat feet and hands
not being able to wear shoes or socks
not being able to drink or smoke
not being able to eat prawns or liver
waddling like a penguin
not being able to climb the stairs without getting a push off OH
massive clothes
ridiculously fat face
visits to hopspital every other day
taking 3 hours to walk the dog instead of the normal 1
...god could go on forever but i'll stop now

All the above..

I hated not being able to tie my shoe laces up :(
Or bend down to pick something up.
LOL and if I had to get out of a chair I had to start 10 mins early, that was a nightmare!
Being unfomfortable and being kicked in the ribs...

This is bringing back memorys :? God im going to be going through it all again :cry:

OH is looking forward to all of it! ..Yeah coz he doesnt have to carry it for 9 months!
I don't miss:
morning sickness
pain in my hips
being kicked in the ribs
being constantly hot and thirsty
being unable to tie shoelaces/bend down
find it really hard to reach round to wipe after being on the loo
maternity clothes
blood tests
ankles swelling up
PUPS rash (I REALLY REALLY don't miss this! It was hell!)
fingers swelling up so not being able to wear wedding ring

there's more I'm sure
I sometimes wish I had my SPD back - not the pain part of it, the not being able to move part. It's the only time Stuart's done anything without me having to ask. :wink:

I dont miss ribs hurting and swollen fingers and wrists as i couldnt wear my jewlery.
As well as my back was much worse then it was previously
i really dont' miss back ache, had that from the very beginning.
And having this massive rash until i had kacy that itched all over my legs and tummy.
needing to pee all the time
not beening able to get comfy

oh the list could go on, but i would do it all over again.
come to mention an itch, i used to get very bad itchy feet was so annoying and always came during the night so was up every half hour putting calmine lotion on them, was a weird itch like pins n needles or like spiders on them was horrible....lol
My list would spill off this page, but the worst was definately the rib ache
I hated not being able to button up my coat :D

also had bad reflux couldnt get to sleep at night becuase of it and was always chewing gaviscon tablets in bed and sleeping almost upright! I know how your babies feel who have reflux its horrible!!

but I MISS the kicks :(

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