What does it feel like when babys head is engaged?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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Last night she was really active for hours and her movements were really hurting my pelvis. Had pain all night, best way I can describe it is it felt like someone was breaking it apart!! I know that its supposed to be easier to breathe as such but I never found it particularly difficult (unless I was doing something active or lying down) and that you're supposed to feel like you can eat more lol I never stop eating anyway. I have been peeing alot more though!! x
I have found that I am peeing more and pressure in my pelvis feels lower down! MW said baby is engaged when I saw her this week, but I don't know by how much! I've had some period type pains tho and everything feels slack around my pelvis so I ache really easily!...............I would say your little bubs has headed south hun!! When u next seeing MW? Get them to feel and check xxx
Yeah I've been having horrible period-type aches for ages and feels like theres loads of pressure down there!! I'm not seeing MW again till im 36 weeks, 6th oct think my appointment is. I was at the hospital on wednesday for my 34 week check and I dont think she was engaged then... but I guess that could change even in a couple of days? xx
Yeh, I think so.......I think I read that they normally engage around 36 weeks with your first, so even if LO is not quite there it sounds like they will be soon!......I'm not seeing MW again til 5th of Oct.....it's hard waiting 2 weeks at this stage coz I just wanna know everything is still on track and no porbs etc but as my best mate pointed out they must think everything is going well to only wanna see me every fortnight!.........

I'd keep doing your pelvic floor and sit when u can to take the pressure off! If you have a gym/birth ball sitting on that can help to get LO in a good position I think xx
It feels like carrying a bowling ball between ur legs :lol:
U start to waddle and the pressure is more intense.. Peeing more etc..
Sounds like bubs is moving down :) xx
I'd say it sounds like baby is engaged, MW said mines is far down but didnt use the word engaged. I feel like I need to keep my legs closed & deep uncomfortable pain in pelvis.

Noticed while on the ball the other night that it gets sensitive when im doing pelvic rotations, must be where baby's head is.

It feels really strange, like shes gonna fall out and when she moves I feel it really low down if you know what I mean. I'll ask MW next time I see her x
Mine feels like that too! Feels like one swift kick and bubs will be poking out lol!
Lol its not very nice . I've noticed shes extremely active lately too, not that I'm complaining but last night she was kicking away non stop for like two hours and throughout most of the day! x
Mine don't bloody stop lol! Fidget arse like it's dad :lol:
I get kicked in places I never knew baby could reach!! Almost right round to my back :shock:

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