what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2011
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my male friends OH was pregnant and unfortunatly she lost her bubs.
this is her 4th miscarraige....
but somthing dosn't add up,

she went from being due in january to being due in march :shock:

so basically i'm doubting her pregnancy, i feel terrible for it but it dosn't make sense....

my friend is devastated but never had any proof with any of the pregnancy's that she was actually pregnant!

i'm thinking these thoughts and i feel terrible for even thinking them.....

and she's a lovely girl but is a tad childish!

am i going mad for thinking this??

thanks ladies i always appriciate your advice! xxxxxxx
Does seem a bit odd, but could it be she's just a bit ditzy or doesn't keep track of her cycles?
I know two months is a long time, but it might just actually be 5 weeks that it was changed from the beginning of march to the end of january or something?
I would be suspicious too, you're not alone, and you're obviously protective of your friend, but it might not be sinister.
when i found out i was preg with my first i thought it was only a month turns out i was 3 months! i had no symptoms and i bled which i thought was a period.

it could be true but id of thought she would of shown him a BFP

has he ever been with her to the dr's had preg confirmed

if she is lying its a very cruel game shes playing with him
Not to mention the fact that anyone who pretends to have had a miscarriage clearly hasn't thought through what a woman goes through when she has a miscarriage.
Anyone who would make that stuff up is indeed selfish and childish, not to mention cruelly insensitive.
hi ladies thanks for your replies...

apparently she's had a few bleeds during her pregnancy

was talking to my mum, who makes out she might have been trying to cover her periods but once again we can't say for sure..

when i told them i was pregnant she asked when i was due and i told her the begining of january, she said really?? i'm due the end of january.

then when my mum met her she told her march

the last time she bled, she said she went to the doc who told her she was miscarrying and to go to the hosp after the weekend for a D&C. When she went to the hosp they said baby was still there.

A doc here in ireland will not tell you that you are having a miscarraige without a scan first to confirm it....

spoke to my mate again earlier who is still pretty devastated but at the end of the day there is nothing i can do, i'm afraid to say anything because i could be so wrong and don't want to come across a bitch because i wouldn't like to go through that and have people doubt me!

i really like her and think she is lovely but i can't get my head round it...i'm so upset for them
Definitely a bit strange.
But good for the doctors in Ireland, here they just say 'yeah you're probably miscarrying, just wait and let it pass' or words to that effect. Not exactly supportive. That's maybe not everyone's experience, though, of course.
maybe if she says shes pregnant again you could suggest to your mate he buys a digital preg test that says how far she is, then at least he will know that she IS preg then she cant pretend x if he says she wont then you could ask a couple of 'oh why' questions as every women want to know how far along they are. she wont have anyway of getting out of it.

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