what do you think your baby will look like?


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2007
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following from the amazing psychic predications on the 'your borth ' thread :lol: what do you actually think your LO will look like?

i reckon mine will be born with plenty of wavy black hair taking after her dad, (hopefully not as hairy elsewhere!) and skin tone wise, i think she will look fully white until she's a bit older..then she'll develop a nice tanned looking complexion 8) thats my psychic prediction :D
we had a 4D scan and I think she looks like her daddy... she's definately got his mouth- the lips are spitting image!
i think our little boy will be bold till hes about 2 as i was with light coloured hair as we were both very blonde at birth,
hopefully he will have my nose but his dads bone structure and cheeky smile,
manda xx
I would be very happy if Daniel looks like OH, see below (pic taken some years ago) but I have a feeling that he might have brown hair as in both our families brown hair seems more dominant...a bit of black hair in my family too. Oh and I think he'll have blue eyes :D

i thought leah would have brown hair but she was born with golden coloured hair and now shes started losing it :( :(
My OH is a redhead and I am of Spanish and Welsh descent. He has blue eyes, mine are green.

No chance of LO being a red head though as my family dont carry the gene on either side. But our LO will thanks to OH so :) chance for future red heads in later generations :lol:

As for looks, no idea.
Kim&Leah said:
i thought leah would have brown hair but she was born with golden coloured hair and now shes started losing it :( :(

I was born with a mop of thick jet black hair, but the time I was a year old it was white! Stayed that way till I was about 4 and then got darker till it stopped at sort of an auburn colour.

Children's hair colour changes in the early years quite often so don't worry. And the baby hair will grow back soon enough.
I think she will have brown hair but not too much and big blue eyes and maybe chubby cheeks. :D
I think Connie will probably ming, with my fat face and square jaw :rotfl:
Well, genetics tells us that our baby will definitely have blue eyes as we both do. OH is blonde and my hair is red so it's pick of the draw as to what colour hair he or she will have. Our nephew has blonde hair - his mum has the same colour of hair as her brother, my OH, and her hubby has hair of a similar colour to mine.
I think she'll have a tiny bot of fair hair (me and OH are blonde), she'll have bluey/grey eyes (like me and OH).
She will have my nose and lips - it looked like she did on the 4D scan we had. If she gets a mix of his nose and mine she'll be in trouble... lol.

I love my OH's eyes so hopefully she'll get them!
absaloutley cute as a button :angel:
adorable and sweet gourgoues beautiful ect ect prefect really :hug: :cheer:

im not sure if he'll have my hair colouring as its more dominate in the female side of my family
so he'll have dark brown hair like his Daddy
he'll have Hazel eyes as me and James have Hazel eyes
I think he's going to look like his Daddy
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :D :D :D
i have a feeling he'll be a good sized baby but in a good way

he will look wonderful :hug: :cheer:
I am Scandinavian with blue eyes and blond hair (very fair skinned) and my OH is Indian origin (not too dark skinned) so I think our child will look Mediterranean!

No blond hair or blue eyes, that is for sure, as both traits are recessive.

I bet we'll all have beautiful babies!
I think Logan will have blue eyes and brown hair, the same as OH, me and James.
In his 4d scan pictures he looks a lot like James :D
I thought our baby will have a mass of dark hair and brown eyes, daddy is very hairy :D and we both have dark hair and eyes.

However, maybe baby will be fairish when born, as both me and OH started life with fair hair.

I hope baby has daddy's easy to tan complexion and not my milk bottle, freckly, burn-really-easily one.
Hopefully not like my sister when she was born, she looked like an angry old man up untill about 3 months.

Me and my OH were blonde as children. My hair is naturally darkish blonde, Im pale and I have blue eyes. OH has dark hair, pale and has green eyes. So I think she will have dark hair and green eyes when shes older but I think she will be very light blond until about shes about 10 like me and my OH.
BabyMagic said:
I am Scandinavian with blue eyes and blond hair (very fair skinned) and my OH is Indian origin (not too dark skinned) so I think our child will look Mediterranean!

No blond hair or blue eyes, that is for sure, as both traits are recessive.

I bet we'll all have beautiful babies!

:dance: mine will be half indian too. Have you had any indian in-law issues to contend with? Luckily my OHs family aren't overly traditional but MIL is expecting A LOT of contact with her grandaughter which may become a bit troublesome seeing as we live several hours away!
My LO will be VERY hairy. If he isnt then I'll be amazed as I was born with black hair to my shoulders - midwives joked Mum would need to blow dry it and OH was the same. We are both really hairy still now.....I wax everything as I hate it - even my arms :lol: He will more than likely have chubby little cheeks and Im really hoping he has inherited my ear...I have one ear that bends slightly and my Mum has the same and so does one of my bros. It goes back for generations so I think that would be cool if he had it too 8) he might not think so though :rotfl: Eyes will prob be blue or green and he will have the most fantastic eyelashes as both mine and OH are LUSH!!! :cheer:
Gymbabeliz, I thought you were Indian too after seeing your picture (you look stunning in it!). :D

When it comes to having any 'Indian' issues with my in-laws, I've been fairly lucky so far. Tbh I was only introduced to them when we got engaged (over two years after I got to know my OH, we've now been together for 3.5 years!) which I thought was a bit strange. But when meeting them it all kind of made sense. They are Muslim. His parents are pretty liberal, but my SIL's family is more strict.

They are a lovely family, but VERY family-orientated. They call each other every day which is a nice thing, yet my OH will never tell any bad news to his family. Neither does he see them often (and they live in the same country!). I may not speak to my parents every day, but they know EVERYTHING about me.

I haven't been too close to them up to now. I have a feeling that things are about to change because of LO. E.g. my MIL was a bit upset that we didn't consult her re the baby names! At times I do feel a little intimitated by them as they all have very strong personalities and just hope that we don't run to any issues in the future.

Also, I would never dare to critisise anything what my in-laws do as I know that my OH would resent me for it. Oh yes, and my OH has said that one day his parents are going to live with us when they cannot cope on their own anymore. :shock: I don't have a problem with that as we had elderly relatives staying at us when we were kids, but just slightly concerned if our cultural differences are going to cause any issues then...
i have a theory that most newborn babies look like a mitchell brother from 'Enders...so i'm saying mine will probably look like a blonde Phil... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

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