What do you think of this?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2008
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Even before finding out Bubba was a girl, me and my husband have been discussing names, but there were very few that we both loved, until this name came to light. How do you think this will suit her........
CONNIE? :dance:

I just love the name more and more everyday!
Have you ladies thought of any names for your babies yet?
I like Connie :D

Not decided on any names yet, we didn't name Tom for a few says after he was born!!
We spoke about it really early on:

Luke Michael for a boy
Kathleen Mary (Kathy for short) for a girl
SoonToBeMrs said:
Liliana Shenton-Tan!!!

and because my OH is Chinese, she will also inherit a Chinese name.. probably from ancestors.. such as Shen Liu or Shen Li (Beauty and intelligence, the Shen representing the chinese family name)

I'm so excited about naming her.. it's so important that we get it right :D

That's a lovely name :)
we wont decide till bubba comes out and says hi :D

btw love connie
Ahhhh I love all those names! Really love the chinese name as well, it's really beautiful :D

Me and OH have decided on Caitlin Aimee for our little princess xxx
Heidi is the only name I have loved since before I got my bfp, but we are keeping secret!
i LOVE connie!!

but it dont sound very good with what the babys surname will be =( lol

so far we have Leah and Jake

but when i have my 20 week scan i wanna find out if im team pink or blue so will decide names more then =)
I think Connie is a lovely name, very cute. :D

SoonToBeMrs - that's a gorgeous name for your lil' girly, so pretty!

I'm having major probs trying to find a boy's name that both OH and I like... I can't talk about names too much with him anyway as he's being an awkward bugger and won't let me tell him the sex, so I have to keep throwing in girl's names suggestions too so he doesn't get suspicious! :lol:

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