What do you think (night feeding)


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2009
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Annabelle eats every 3 hours on the dot most days and most of the time finishes a 6 ounce bottle. her first feed is either 6.30am or 7am. shes over 16lb and is gaining weight a bit too fast (above that line thing they follow)

on friday night she slept through. she normally wakes about 3am#ish for a feed but recently this has affected her 7am feed, where she only takes about 3 ounces.

so last nght everytime she woke after 3am i gave her her dummy and she drifted back off. at about 4.30 she kept spitting it out so i gave her some cooled boiled water (3 ounces) with a small bit of brown sugar which settled her back to sleep. then this morning at 6.30 she drank all of her milk nicely.

do you think i should carry on doing this and eventually she will stop waking now ive stopped all night feeds?????????
It's personal preference hun but when emily started doing that we started leaving her, not getting up to her at all and the next week she was sleeping through nicely xxx

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if i dont give her her dummy she seems to wake up properly though? dont know if or when she would go back to sleep!? did that happen with emily? xx
Yes. We used to get her up and she would gave a teeny bit if milk do We decided to leave her as we knew she wasn't properly hungry. She cried (which I hated) but within 4 nights she was sleeping through. She realised it was night time and stopped waking x

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If I lived on my own Id do this. Shes waking at 5:30 but its only because shes got into a routine. Im just very aware of other people in the house :(
might try it then, scary haha. im on my own so i am a wimp id prob lay there and cry too lol

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