What do you know about runescape


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2007
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I am a bit of an older mum and my 10 year old is obsessed withb this website and I wonderd if amyone knows if its legit. I know it has chat rooms and they do quests and stuff but i'm a bit out of the loop. Don't want to stop him playing as he loves it but it does worry me who he's chatting to.

Any advice gratefully received


Jen x
I don't really know much about it but my brother used to use it when he was about 12-13 and I think its just like a game of command and conquer but online. I wouldn't of thought it was too bad, I think they would mainly talk about the game they are playing and the tasks and stuff. Older gamers would be using things like Counterstrike and World of Warcraft and you have to pay to use those sites.

I think he would be pretty safe. Like I said the older gamers would be playing the more complex type games so he would probably be with people his own age :D
:oops: :oops: i used to play it with my brothers :lol: :lol: however i got bored like they did when all the new updates came in, my best friends daughter is 13 and she plays on it, i'd say it's safe however i'd just watch who he/she talks to and whattehy talk about, most people on there talk about what lvl's they are bla bla but oviously you get the odd weirdo (i used to report them)
Hes prob chatting to my 13 year old bro, he is obsessed with that site :lol:
I used to play on it too! :oops:
My nephews got me into it, was safe enough- I think there were mods running around :think: Can't remember though. Used to have the odd weirdo trying to chat to me but easy to block.
ye they did have a few mods who tended to be in the popular places like the fishing spots and mining caves ect....
omg i sound a right geek :lol: :lol:
My son sometimes plays on it and I've been on it before too. As sites like these go it's one of the safer ones and I think there are mods online sometimes but not sure. As with all online gaming like this it's still good to keep an eye on it from time to time.

sarah xxx

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