What do you do with LO.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2010
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whilst you eat dinner?

Every night when we sit down to eat (no matter what time) she kicks off! LO is 11 weeks old! So either me or OH ends up with cold food!

We've tried her on her mat, bean bag, bouncy chair and she just seems to like shouting when we try to eat lol!

Just wondered what everyone else does with LO whilst you eat?

Thank you :) xx

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Sophia is the same - I swear she smells food and kicks off!! We sometimes put her in her swing and try and eat quickly, otherwise I eat and hubby takes her then we swap. It seems eating in shifts is becoming the norm!
Ah so similar to us then! As long as it seems normal to eat in shifts I know we're not doing anything wrong lol :) thanks xx

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Same here, its like they smell it! I'm getting good at eating one handed as hubby away a lot working. It's only dinner as well not so often lunch or breakfast!
At that age I was convinced G smelt the food and then kicked off - I ended up eating super early for a few weeks at about 5 before G started his evening cluster feeding. As he got bigger I knew he would go to bed around 7-8pm and then I'd eat after. If you can eat in shifts though that's probably a good solution (my DH was away so no option for that).
Tegan used to be exactly the same! we started putting her in her swing & she'd keep quiet in there for about 10 mins. if not we just ate in shifts xx
Thanks girls some good ideas! Think shift work is the way forward for now lol! I'm sure they'll born with an inner food sensor lol xx

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They're so sweet aren't they, smelling the food & shouting at you!! loool

My LO isn't quite old enough yet but my eldest LO used to do this, I got used to eating with 1 hand & would cut up the food before I sat down.

My LO used to do this too! It was never possible to put her down - I bf and in the end used to feed her and eat with one hand while I was feeding her.
My LO used to do this too! It was never possible to put her down - I bf and in the end used to feed her and eat with one hand while I was feeding her.

I started doing this but kept dropping food on her lol..........poor pudding :) xx
My LO used to do this too! It was never possible to put her down - I bf and in the end used to feed her and eat with one hand while I was feeding her.

I started doing this but kept dropping food on her lol..........poor pudding :) xx

Lol I've mastered this too! Long as the food it cut up! They get covered in crumbs tho lol!

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