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What do you do? Tantrums, screaming and hitting post

Sorry i do not have much advice other than i have heard it is best to ignore and not react to them tho i know how hard it is to do that! Charlotte doesn't have them as bad as you have described (YET!) but she is getting there and i am trying to ignore, but its hard not to get wound up. You are not alone hopefully someone else will have some good advice :hug: :hug:
Freya is a monster with her tantrums, she screams, hits, pulls hair!!!!!!!!!! I dont have the answer, I tend to say 'no' firmly, then sit her on the floor, and walk away. Its really hard and I find it so sad :( hopefully its just a parting phase!!!!!!!!!
I must admit Hope does this that often i have lost my temper and shouted back alot with her, it makes me sad as sometimes ifeel i have done something worng and that shes this way because of me. But we do naughty step, but tbh shes that naughty so much of the time it has no effect, she will gladly take her self and just sit there. Itry to ignore her as much as poss but she makes me so mad sometimes its hard, ahhh little girls eh hun :hug:
Avas the same hun, Sooo frustrating, and shes at the point where she does it no matter where we are, she hasnt hit me yet...... But my friends little boy hits, she just ignores him, Ava is more of a fall to her knees scream, and smack her head on the floor, For instance we went to the paper shop and Ava was carrying the Polish and she had to pass it to the lady serving she refused... so i took it off her to let her scan OMG she went mental, i could of cried, she threw herself back kicked the floor, soooo embaresing, then we leave the shop she saw a pidgeoen she wanted to chase lucky she was on reins but she had a tantrum Mid bungee, i can laugh now, but omg what must it of looked like, I know what you mean about trying to ignore, Avas usually hitting her head so its hard to ignore, I feel ur pain Jools :( xxxxxxx
My friend had this problem with her 10month old baby believe it or not. She was in bits so sort proffesional hep from a child pcycologist. He advised he to each time her son did it. Tell him 'No hitting or you will go in your cot' (safest place for baby that age). Then if he did it again she was to tell him 'You are going into your cot because you hit Mummy' and put him in there for 5mins. This took about a week to work but the incidents of hitting reduced almost immedietly. Her son would then raise his hand to hit but not do it. The child pcycologist told her to do the same even when her son just raised his hand to hit and that soon stopped too. I would find a safe place to put her and be consistent. 1 warning then 5 mins alone until she calms down. No talking or eye contact and ask her to apologise before giving a big cuddle. Also whenever you notice her playing well, give her ots of praise and attention so she feels rewarded for the right kind of behaviour. Good luck!!
Omg had an appointment at the building society today at 1.30 firstly they were running 15 mins late and i could see Ava getting bored, so when we did eventually get called we went into a seperate room, door shut so i let Ava out the buggy to read her book, Omg that was the most stressfull 40 mins ever.... She was a nightmare, I think she may even think her name has been changed to Ava No, She has this pre warning tantrum where she just goes Limp, My friend Mel calls it a floppy bunny, I cant get her to stand up at all, its like her bones have turned to wobbley jelly!!! To top the lot i had a 6 page form to fill in and the computer took ages to process mine and Miks info what a NIGHTMARE!!! Lol
In a way im glad its not just Ava i was really anxious that mine was going to be a nightmare :D xxxxxxx
No it's defo not just Ava babes. We are going through the same thing. Adam is a little younger than Ava so I think I'll becoming to you for advice as we have just entered the banging the head stage at 14 months.
Becs, I have tried that and put Maddison in her room to try make her understand that what she's doing is not nice but it makes her worse. I have found that ignoring her is the best option so far as she will calm down after a while and come over to me for a cuddle :hug:
Well done you! Sounds as though your consistence has resolved the issue. Bless her, how cute! :D
Thanks hun, I guess she is just testing her boundaries and after a reaction. She obviously just gets bored when I dont give her one :D :hug:
Another tantrum to report, i shouldnt laugh :rotfl: ( i didnt at the time) But we was at my nan and grandads, (avies great grandparents bless em!) anyway grandad made her a cheese sarnie for Lunch and She was all excited!!! I turned my back for two seconds to turn round and find her wiping the cheese sarnie Butter cheese side up all over their kitchen cupboards, She stopped looked at me for my reaction and Said NO NO NO and carried on.... How embaresing!!! I told her No and took sandwich off her omg all hell broke loose, Threw herself on floor and screamed, and i mean a propper scream, I think my grandad is traumatised!!!
Going to a farm tomorrow with My friend and her little Boy so im sure ill have many tantrums to report..... Although today after she had finished she came to me for a hug..... Mik said i shouldnt hug her after shes gone mental but shes all upset i have too :cry:
Ellie just starting to do this, she throws anything she has in her hands and then throws herself on the floor, bangs her head on the floor & flaps around her arms & legs in pure temper. At the moment i've been trying to ignore her, she either gets bored or comes up to me and hits me/ throws herself around, if she does that i go in the kitchen (next room) so she can see me but cant come to me as theres a baby gate - she usually paddys more but then gets bored & gives in. Its hard sometimes when she's headbutting the floor and hurting herself but I think the only way is to show them that they are getting no attention by doing what they are doing and ignore them! Little monkeys!!! Hope she improves soon hun xx
S is a master at tantrums - when she has a meltdown everyone knows about it. I usually ignore them, I will say to her "I said no S,and I have explained why" then ignore her as she screams, throws things etc. I will ignore her if she hits me but I will intervene if she goes to hit/kick C.
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Becs said:
My friend had this problem with her 10month old baby believe it or not. She was in bits so sort proffesional hep from a child pcycologist. He advised he to each time her son did it. Tell him 'No hitting or you will go in your cot' (safest place for baby that age). Then if he did it again she was to tell him 'You are going into your cot because you hit Mummy' and put him in there for 5mins. This took about a week to work but the incidents of hitting reduced almost immedietly. Her son would then raise his hand to hit but not do it. The child pcycologist told her to do the same even when her son just raised his hand to hit and that soon stopped too. I would find a safe place to put her and be consistent. 1 warning then 5 mins alone until she calms down. No talking or eye contact and ask her to apologise before giving a big cuddle. Also whenever you notice her playing well, give her ots of praise and attention so she feels rewarded for the right kind of behaviour. Good luck!!

I've been doing this for a while and it works really well for us. She doesn't have massive tantrums but the usual things like you all described when you have to take something off them etc or my main one is when I won't pick her up and she starts crying and won't stop. Hoovering too :wall: But now I usually have to say to her to stop or she will go in her cot and she usually says 'no' and stops. But if she does end up in there she screams :)
It dont help me when my auntie and Nan say ... My kids never used to have tantrums at that age :shock: :shock:
Obviously they do else we wouldnt all be writing our experiances on this thread!!!
Anyhooo getting ready for farm, will be back later to report Diva's tantrums xxxxxxx
already had 1 this morning with her daddy because he wouldnt let her hold his toothbrush.. :rotfl:

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